by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on November 22, 2020

Every action and every result of your life starts with your mind. In this new episode, let’s talk about how to cultivate your growth mindset: 

  • even if you don’t know where to start in personal growth
  • even if you are not an expert
  • and even if you think you’re not good enough 

Carol Dweck in this book, “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” shared that a person has two mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.

And today, we’ll look at some tips on how we can cultivate this growth mindset. Some of the things I’ll share with you will come from the book itself and my own personal experiences. 

Let’s proceed to four tips on how to cultivate a growth mindset using this acronym: GROW.

Gain lessons from failures

If you don’t fail, you are not living. That doesn’t that you intentionally fail, that’s not we are talking about here. 

But rather to intentionally learn from your failures. 

A person with a growth mindset has this ability to connect his failures to his present situations as well as to his future endeavors by reflecting on lessons. 

Each time you fail, ask this important question: what is it that I can learn from this failure? 

And when you experience these failures, it’s important to develop persistence over time. You’ll face setbacks, but you have to come back quickly. Setbacks should lead to a comeback if you have your own process of getting up.

You don’t have to wait for another failure to prepare yourself, you can now prepare today. Gain lessons from failures.

Recognize challenges as opportunities 

[bctt tweet=”Challenges should be viewed as opportunities for personal growth.” username=”venchito14″]

You’ve got to cultivate a mindset of viewing challenges as opportunities.

Opportunities for what? Opportunities for:

  • Developing character. Like gold being refined through fire.
  • Increasing competence. As you face challenges, you’re now seeing rooms for improvements, where it can give you insights on what to tweak or change in your current work setup.
  • Building connections. Challenges are opportunities to connect and reconnect with people who can help you do your job.

Have a perspective of recognizing certain challenges as opportunities for growth. 

Open for improvements

People with a growth mindset are open to rooms for improvement. They prioritize learning over seeking approval. If they can get feedback from people they trust the most, they’d politely do so.

It is an intentional way of putting yourself at risk when asking for feedback. As well all know, most feedback may be telling you the truth we all don’t want to know — but we actually need in order to grow.

Develop a growth mindset to receive constructive criticisms that are away ahead of their game in personal life. Get mentors and coaches who can speak to your life to see what are the things you missed out or overlooked — that when you’ve taken a chance to look at — you can now turn them into courses of action. 

Another way to be open to improvements is to be inspired by other people’s success. Inspiration brings more improvements to our lives in our mind is open about it. 

Work on abilities

People with a fixed mindset tend to look at their intelligence and talent as something to be permanent.

But a person with a growth mindset looks at intelligence and talent as dynamic — meaning they can work on their abilities. 

Remember that every one of us has mastered a skill because we were able to work on our abilities. Day in and day out, you work on your abilities. You spent countless hours to get good at what you do. 

Earlier, I shared that there is one secret key to grow quickly without you noticing.

Do you know what it is? 

This key is very simple: surround yourself with growing people. 

Growing people have a growth mindset. Without you noticing it, your behaviors and mindset change as you adapt to the group’s common culture. So if you want to gain momentum in personal growth, start having a group of people with a growth mindset.