Venchito Tampon Wed, 10 Jan 2024 05:46:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Venchito Tampon 32 32 Integrity in Leadership – Building Trust and Accountability in Your Role Sat, 11 Nov 2023 03:51:27 +0000 by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on November 11, 2023 Integrity in leadership is practicing a holistic perspective and disciplining […]

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by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on November 11, 2023

Integrity in leadership is practicing a holistic perspective and disciplining yourself in all your current roles.

Integrity comes from the term “integer, ” meaning “whole”. So, an integrity-driven leader walks the talk and talks the walk in all of their areas of life.

Integrity has proven to be the highest value for companies in building a trusting work environment. Not only does it help the leaders establish their credibility in front of their associates, but it also helps promote a healthy work atmosphere for all employees.

Simply put, when leaders have integrity, employees can easily say what they say and model their behavior. Therefore, integrity in leadership helps build faster and more effective communication in doing what is supposed to be done for the team and the company.

integrity in leadership

How to Practice Integrity As A Leader?

Integrity is essential in leadership. That’s the reason why anyone must develop it over time. Here are some ways to practice integrity as a leader:

1. View Life With A Holistic Approach

This means that you don’t play multiple personalities in your roles. You don’t say and act good with friends and colleagues but play a miserable role at home as a husband or father.

You do what you say and behave as you talk whenever and wherever you are. Integrity is doing the same actions in every role of life.

Life comprises different domains – parental, physical, marital, spiritual, emotional, and social, to name a few. These domains are essential to bring anyone to grow in their potential.

Being an integrity-driven leader means that you take care of all domains of life. You don’t let neglect in any areas, as it would otherwise affect you negatively in the future.

Be an excellent person across all domains. And you’ll find yourself to achieve progress and become successful in your holistic life.

2. Be Vulnerable

Most people think that successful people never make mistakes in their lives. That’s not true. Most successful people have made more mistakes than others, but the only difference is that they learn from those mistakes.

Being vulnerable shows other people that you’re a human being capable of failing but learning and growing simultaneously.

Integrity in leadership is showing who you are as a person. And employees appreciate it as they can see the real you instead of the leader pretending to be somebody else.

3. Make Wise Decisions

The people you are leading depend on your leadership and decision-making skills. They move and take action based on your vision and direction.

If you make wise decisions, you model the correct type of leadership. And thus, it allows for better communication and harmony in your teams.

Think twice or more times before deciding on significant projects. Be a person of value and learn from others so you’ll have better options and different points of view before making a decision. This helps you avoid mistakes and be more powerful.

4. Develop Practical Disciplines

Discipline is what sustains people in the success area. Practicing disciplines daily helps leaders achieve results and build the right momentum in their leadership roles.

Practical disciplines lead to bringing that integrity into place in someone’s life. You can’t see a person of integrity without measured discipline. Either he or she relentlessly pursues his purpose in life and brings the highest value in the marketplace. Both of these show their practical disciplines.

5. Stick To Core Values

Core values are sets of principles that build the foundation of your life. It is what you stand for and guides your decision-making process.

Every minor and major decision is based on your core values. Your core values will set your leadership’s “why” or purpose.

Through these core values, you also guide and lead your team in making decisions and pursuing excellence and growth in themselves.

In companies, there are corporate values that every employee must practice in their corporate lives. These values aren’t mere statements posted on the office walls.

6. Excel in Coaching

Coaching is vital in elevating performance and engagement with direct reports at work. Through effective coaching, you understand your associates better, professionally, and in their holistic lives.

Coaching helps develop integrity in your leadership by strengthening relationships with direct reports. By understanding how they feel and behave better, you’ll identify specific leadership styles that can best work for them.

One advantage of regular coaching meetings is that you can identify performance gaps in your direct reports. You’ll then see what hinders them from achieving their KPIs: performance gaps. And by recommending methods to improve their work productivity, you can see more positive changes in their work.

7. Communicate Your Values, Vision, and Mission

Effective communication is one critical skill of integrity-driven leaders. They communicate their vision, mission, and values that encourage and inspire their direct reports to grow professionally and personally.

One benefit of being an effective communicator is handling conflicts effectively. As we all know, we can’t avoid conflicts caused by personality differences. However, we avoid unnecessary conflicts that might cause team division through coaching and effective communication.

8. Be Courageous

Courage is a visible trait of integrity-driven leaders. By taking risks and conquering mountains of challenges, they achieve progress and achievements in their career and personal life.

While others succumb to fear and self-doubt, courageous leaders take their lives to the next level of personal growth and significance. It may be daunting at first to try new things, but integrity-driven leaders start and discipline themselves even when they are not motivated to start.

Courageous leaders are disciplined enough not to be mastered by their emotions but the other way around. They learn how to control and manage emotions and take action immediately to achieve small wins and build the right momentum for growth.

9. Be Trustworthy

Trust is earned through excellence in actions and results. People won’t trust you only with your words but with your activities.

One true mark of an integrity-driven leader is trust. Earning it and sustainably achieving success by expanding their business networks.

Networking becomes more meaningful and effective within the boundaries of trust. As more people see your work of excellence, they tell it to their colleagues (word-of-mouth marketing), which enlarges your business networks.

10. Upgrade Yourself

Integrity in leadership helps you upgrade yourself to achieve new heights in your career. When you discover new things and apply these lessons in your life, you start seeing results in your mindset, performance, and productivity.

Continuous development builds more integrity in your life, as you can be more self-aware of your strengths and maximize them to the fullest.

11. Learn To Sacrifice

Integrity builds up when you learn to sacrifice. Success requires counting the cost and paying the price to achieve great things.

Integrity-driven leaders invest their resources (time, money, attention, and energy) in things that will add value to their success goals. They know it takes sacrifice to see momentum in life and are willing to pay for it.

12. Serve Others

Integrity has a significant impact on leadership. People of integrity serve others wholeheartedly. They seek first the needs of other people before themselves. By attending to the needs of their direct reports and serving them well, people appreciate the value and become more inspired by their work.

Key Takeaways

Integrity is beneficial in many ways, as it helps you become more trustworthy and gain the desired respect you need to do better in your leadership roles. Apply the tips I shared above on how to practice integrity in leadership. And you’ll be amazed at the results it could make in your character and competence.

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Bayanihan Spirit: Uniting Communities for Collective Progress and Resilience Tue, 07 Nov 2023 03:24:40 +0000 by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on November 7, 2023 Bayanihan is uniting heroes to contribute value to the community. […]

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by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on November 7, 2023

Bayanihan is uniting heroes to contribute value to the community. We want to embody the “bayanihan spirit” in every part of society, including the private sector.

In this guide, I’ll provide tips on developing the “bayanihan spirit” in the workplace. 


How Do You Develop Bayanihan Spirit in the Workplace?

1. Lead by Example

It starts with the l leaders of the organization. From executives down to associate managers, leaders must demonstrate a strong sense of teamwork and cooperation among themselves.

When employees see their leaders actively collaborating, it sets a solid example of how Bayanihan works. 

Imagine if most leaders promoted collaboration and harmony in how they planned and executed tasks. It would be much easier for team members to follow their example. 

Leading by example is one of the most superb forms of leadership. Personal leadership allows ranking professionals to be more aware of their actions and words at work and toward their colleagues.

Personal leadership empowers their associates to check on themselves and be more accountable to their leaders. 

2. Create a Supportive Environment 

Foster an inclusive environment where employees of different races, religions, ages, and cultures can work together. Being an inclusive leader helps your team members appreciate their diversity more instead of considering it a barrier to developing their teams. 

Encourage open communication where people are psychologically safe to say their suggestions and participate more in brainstorming discussions. It is best to help them be active listeners and empathize better with others.

3. Team Building Activities

See the importance of team building activities and request it with your human resource (or human capital) department to organize team building activities and workshops that promote cooperation and teamwork.

These activities include trust-building, collaboration, effective communication, and problem-solving challenges, which can help unite the teams and accomplish the organization’s shared goals and mission. 

Hire a team building facilitator to conduct comprehensive, fun-filled team building activities for your employees. 

4. Define Common Goals

Define and communicate your organization’s mission, vision, and core values. By effectively sharing these essential facets of your company, you’ll help your employees understand why they are doing what they’re doing at work. 

So, their individual goals will eventually be aligned with the broader goals of the organization. Define the common goals with your executive or management committee. Then, properly cast these goals down to the bottom.

5. Encourage Collaboration

Bayanihan takes place when there is collaboration. So, you have to create an atmosphere where people from different departments can collaborate regardless of their differences in functions and roles at work.

You can hire an external team building facilitator or experienced corporate trainer to conduct team building and workshops for the different departments of your organization. 

So, more than conducting town hall meetings where your CEO or top leader would speak about their goals and what they want to achieve, you have someone from other organizations who can inspire and encourage your team members to grow and do better at work.

6. Recognize and Reward Collaboration

More than just encouraging collaboration, you have to create systems to recognize and reward teamwork. This is how you acknowledge and celebrate your employees’ hard work.

Some rewards include bonuses and public recognition during special events, which increases the awareness among your teams that your organization is exemplifying the Bayanihan Spirit.

7. Encourage Knowledge Sharing

When there is psychological safety, employees have more courage to share their expertise, experience, and learnings with their colleagues. This promotes the Bayanihan spirit, which is more conducive to the growth and development of every individual in the organization. 

Set up meetings with your team members where they can freely share learnings at work with other team members. Encourage knowledge sharing as it helps individuals gain a better understanding of their work and become self-aware of their capabilities and strengths.

8. Provide Training

Sustainable organizations understand the purpose of training and seminars for their employees. Investing in them yields a huge ROI regarding productivity and team performance.

If you’re an entrepreneur or one of the key decision-makers in your company, you should conduct training programs that focus on teamwork, effective communication, and conflict resolution.

You may also conduct training and seminars on basic leadership, coaching training for managers, or sales training

You can check out lists of leadership training programs and sales programs that effectively elevate employees’ skills in any organization.

9. Give Back to the Community

In the corporate world, this is called corporate social responsibility (CSR). Companies encourage their employees to participate in community service or volunteer activities.

This is also one good way for employees to act and work together as a team. It helps them strengthen their bonds with colleagues and reinforces the idea of giving back to their communities. It is one of the core aspects of the Bayanihan spirit.

10. Communicate Regularly

Effective communication involves regularly delivering essential messages to the key recipients. In the workplace, you inform your employees about the company’s progress, challenges, and successes.

By being transparent with how the organization works, you can build trust and a sense of collective responsibility. 

Regular communication involves sharing personal experiences that help others to know more about their colleagues better. There is value when people become more bonded (more than just being a colleague at work), but as friends that strengthen and helps them achieve holistic well-being. 

Effective communication helps in personal development. It affects all aspects of personal development, which includes parental, marital, financial, and social. 

When employees learn effective communication, they can achieve holistic wellness and well-being, which, in turn, helps them become more productive in the workplace. 

We all know that when someone has high self-esteem at home, it translates to better them in the workplace. They exhibit better behavior and actions that stem from their core identity.

11. Lead Team-Building Discussions

Hold team meetings that reflect the Bayanihan spirit. Initially, you can facilitate interactions among meeting participants. Then, do it at scale with your other employees.

The main idea here is to lead team building discussions where you allow everyone to share their thoughts and ideas. You can group them first by two so they can only filter what is pleasing to share, which saves you a lot of time and resources. Then, another couple of minutes to share among the group. 

Key Takeaways 

The Bayanihan Spirit is not only an old tradition habit of Filipinos. It is the core of what we do as fellow citizens. And if we can bring the same camaraderie spirit to our workplaces, we’ll have a better and healthier atmosphere where people feel safe, valued, and appreciated. 

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Purpose of Trainings and Seminars: Unlocking Professional Growth & Skills Enhancement Mon, 06 Nov 2023 07:08:32 +0000 by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on November 6, 2023 The purpose of trainings and seminars is becoming more evident […]

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by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on November 6, 2023

The purpose of trainings and seminars is becoming more evident in developing the potential and progress of employees today. 

Times have changed, and corporate professionals can progress by discovering new strategies, tools, and systems. They will then become more relevant and valuable in the marketplace.

If you’ve been considering investing in corporate training programs, here are eight purposes of trainings and seminars that can help you achieve personal and professional success.

purpose of trainings and seminars

8 Purpose of Trainings and Seminars

1. Acquire Hard and Soft Skills 

Corporate training service providers, like Rainmakers Training & Consultancy, can bring you top-notch corporate training programs to help you develop hard and soft skills. 

In today’s day and age, hard is soft, and soft is hard. 

For example, basic leadership training is perceived to be a soft skill, as it doesn’t require any technical know-how to use it. But as the world changes, leadership becomes more complicated, and it becomes a hard skill. Any leader must undergo leadership programs to level up their influence.

The purpose of trainings and seminars is to help you become more self-aware of what skills you need to master and upgrade. 

2. Discover And Learn New Things 

Training programs can guide you in discovering lessons, insights, and wisdom you never learned before. 

When you hire the best corporate trainers, you’ll obtain knowledge from their decades of experience in their field of specialization.

Whether knowing how to close high-ticket sales or leading a team of 100 people, you’ll have access to the wisdom they gained from their experiences working in different situations. Thus, it helps shorten the learning curve you need to master a field. 

3. Credentials For Your Resume 

Professionals can include certifications of past trainings and seminars in their Linkedin profile and resume. This improves the credibility in the marketplace to perform specific tasks their future job roles require.

Job seekers and HR professionals would be leaning towards a professional with several certifications and training attended, as it signifies the kind of mindset this professional has towards work and personal growth. 

4. Widen Networks 

One of the underrated purposes of trainings and seminars is to widen your network. 

Networking helps you find potential mentors and coaches to guide your career. It could also help you get a job role you wouldn’t readily have access to without a referral from someone you met in a seminar or training program. 

To level up your career, attend seminars to widen your network and influence. Networking can help you gain insights and wisdom from participants in other organizations and industries. With this wisdom, you can apply principles and strategies that might work for your current job.

It helps you get better results and achieve the next level of growth through networking and mastermind groups done in the setup of training and seminars. 

5. Personal Growth and Development 

Your income level depends on the status of your personal development. The better you develop yourself, the more opportunities you’ll have. 

Personal growth keeps you aware of your capabilities so you can maximize your strengths further to grow your business, career, and personal life. Training and seminars will help you discover your potential but also help you see patterns of growth opportunities you can maximize to earn more revenue and be more significant to others.

Training and seminars open opportunities for personal growth and development. Companies either do it in-house or hire external training provider to elevate the skills of their employees.

6. Improve Work Performance 

The knowledge you gain from training and seminars can help improve your work performance. 

For example, if you attend any productivity or time management training program, you will learn some fundamental principles for increasing productivity at work. This will double or triple your output in a given hour, helping you achieve your KPIs. 

Another example is that when potential managers and supervisors attend and apply the lessons they learn from leadership training programs, it has a significant effect on their work performance. 

They are no longer concerned solely with their individual work; they now monitor the outcome of their associates and are accountable for the results. 

Through performance coaching programs, they know how to identify performance gaps, monitor them, and provide recommendations to improve their team members’ quality of work. 

For aspiring business owners, learning from the top CEOs and young Filipino entrepreneurs can help you turn a business idea into reality. Comprehensive business coaching programs provide a roadmap for getting from point A to point B by building the proper foundation for running your business. 

7. Boost Self-Confidence 

When you see yourself growing in areas where you need help, it can boost your self-confidence.

Confidence helps you get the momentum you need to achieve more outstanding results at work and in life.

And when one is confident, one is more efficient and effective, leading to higher-quality work output.

8. Generate More Revenue

I mentioned the power of networking in gaining new knowledge. But it doesn’t stop there.

Networking and learning from trainings and seminars help you generate more revenue. Through referrals from other participants to your business’ products or services, you can increase your company’s sales.

Plus, the added factor is that word-of-mouth marketing has a built-in trust in place given that you’ve known them and have built initial interactions when attending the seminars and trainings. 

Trainings and seminars have a direct business impact not only on the corporate training provider but on the participants as well, as they add opportunities to widen their brand reach and get more referrals through networking. 

Key Takeaways

These are just a few of the many purposes of training and seminars. If you invest in your employees’ learning development, you’ll help them be more productive, fruitful, and significant at work and in their personal lives. 

We customize in-house corporate training programs for organizations. Contact us today to get a free quote

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Best Sales Training Programs in the Philippines Tue, 31 Oct 2023 13:56:16 +0000 by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on October 31, 2023 Sales is the lifeblood of business. Without sales, you can’t […]

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by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on October 31, 2023

Sales is the lifeblood of business. Without sales, you can’t expect business growth and sustainability.

In this guide, I’ll show you the best sales training programs in the Philippines that are considered best-sellers in the corporate training industry. 

I’ve shared my best insights and what makes each sales training program unique. 

Best Leadership Training Programs in the Philippines 

1. Sales Revolution and No Touch Selling By Rainmaker

Target audience:

  • Sales representatives
  • Sales unit managers and associates
  • Head of Sales and Branch Managers

Sales Revolution: Strategies for Modern Day Selling is a comprehensive sales training program focusing on essential sales skills and leadership. It covers ten vital topics on sales. 

how to be confident in public speaking

Culture of Personal Excellence 

In the first part of this session, Rainmakers’ lead sales trainer shares the power and leverage of self-mastery. It translates to better output when a salesperson can master their emotions, mindset, and behavior.

By revisiting life’s purpose, anyone can change their mindset towards success, allowing it to flow and considering that every sales activity has an impact and makes a difference in other people’s lives.

You’ll also discover the importance of continuous improvement as a secret sauce of top sales performers. They know how to become like sponges, absorbing knowledge from valid sources and filtering it based on their current context and style. 

Customer Centricity 

In this session, your salespeople will find value in identifying the right market segment to prospect and helping customers or clients solve their problems with your offers.

Rainmakers’ lead trainer, Venchito, will explain why people buy the WHY of a product rather than just the product itself. He’ll also introduce the 4 YOUnique Personality Styles so you can read people like a book.

By quickly identifying the personality of your prospect, you can approach them and sell products the way they want to be sold. This helps you close better deals as you can attend to the needs and desires of your target clients. 

Content and Context

This highlights the importance of knowing the context of your target clients and presenting to them content that fits their points. Rainmakers Trainers will also share about how to adapt to the digital era, as most sales activities are now happening online – “virtual selling”.

By tapping and mastering virtual selling skills, your sales team will have a significant advantage in the industry, knowing how to leverage and maximize their team for better work output and performance. 

best selling training philippines


Communication is a vital part of sales. In this session, Venchito will share the 3VS of Sales Communication: verbal mastery, vocal influence, and visual impact.

All these are valuable components in communication. By mastering the art of delivery, you can present your products or services that touch both the emotions and logical side of your clients. Thus helping you get a positive response from them. 

In this part, Rainmakers will help you understand two things about crafting the narrative of your sales presentation: the theatrics of selling and technical mastery, both of which are necessary to better relate to your prospects. 

In theatrics, we teach how to use storytelling and convey messages with emotions. For technical mastery, it is about knowing the right tools and resources so you can. 

Consultative Selling

Selling is more than just selling these days. Salespeople are now becoming more of a consultant than a seller of products or services.

Consultants are different from ordinary salespeople. They listen to their customers’ needs before presenting their products/services that will solve their problems. This is called customer needs analysis (CNA).

In a consultative selling session, Venchito will teach you how to sell without selling by asking the right questions to your customers. Through active listening, you can establish better rapport and solid relationships with customers. 

Conquering Objections

Prospective clients have objections in mind, whether it be time, family matters, or budgeting issues. 

By preparing yourself to conquer objections before you even propose your offer, you’ll have better opportunities to close the deal, as it won’t be perceived as transactional. Instead, the entire conversion is more about solving their needs. 

Venchito will also share the different types of objections and strategies for effective responses. 

Closing Techniques

This session highlights the different kinds of closings, so you’ll have more flexibility in ending sales presentations with a “bang” – a call to sign the contract, book your service, or buy your products. 

We’ll also show you the SEED Planting framework, where your sales team will plant seeds to persuade prospects to buy the product even before you arrive at the closing stage. 

Cross-Selling and Upselling 

We’ll also walk you through the strategy to maximize sales opportunities through cross-selling and upselling. Cross-selling is introducing additional products, while upselling is encouraging clients to purchase more (increasing sales transactions). 

Calling As SalesPeople 

The last part covers an essential element in sales – knowing and understanding your “calling. ” Calling is the best driver of success. 

Rainmakers Trainers will teach your salespeople how to move from success to significance. You may have top performers on your team, but you want them to sustain their success. 

Bring Sales Training Program To Your Company 

Invite Venchito Tampon and his team to conduct a Sales Revolution Leadership Training program so you can upgrade the sales skills of your employees and executives. Contact us to set an initial meeting and get a free quotation

What Makes It Different

  • Holistic Approach: Covering 10 vital topics, the program ensures a comprehensive understanding of sales, from personal development to advanced selling techniques.
  • Focus on Personal Excellence: Emphasizing self-mastery, the program encourages participants to adopt a continuous improvement mindset.
  • Customer-centric training: The program teaches sales professionals to deeply understand customers and tailor their approach to meet specific needs and desires.
  • Adaptation to the Digital Era: Recognizing the shift towards virtual selling, the program ensures participants are well-equipped for online sales activities.
  • Consultative Selling: By advocating a consultative approach, this program transforms salespeople into consultants and fosters more robust customer relationships.
  • Effective Handling of Objections and Closing: Equipping participants with strategies to handle objections and close deals confidently, the program enhances overall sales effectiveness.
  • Maximizing Sales Opportunities: Emphasizing the importance of cross-selling and upselling, the program ensures sales professionals can increase transaction values.
  • Understanding Your Calling: The final session encourages sales professionals to find their calling in sales, aiming to sustain top performance and drive long-term success.

Sales Revolution and No Touch Selling” by Rainmaker stands out as a comprehensive and innovative sales training program tailored to meet the evolving needs of today’s sales professionals. With a focus on personal excellence, customer centricity, and effective selling techniques, this program ensures that participants are well-equipped to excel in the competitive sales field.

2. The Art and Science of Selling 

The “Art and Science of Selling” program offered by Inspire Leaders in the Philippines is a comprehensive training designed to enhance the selling skills of individuals across various professions. Contrary to the common belief that sales skills are only necessary for those in sales and marketing roles, this program emphasizes that selling is a crucial life skill beneficial to everyone.

art and science of selling

What to Expect

Participants can expect a highly interactive workshop experience, where they will not only learn theoretical frameworks but also have the opportunity to apply these concepts in practical scenarios. The program promises simple and practical ways to improve selling skills, catering to individuals at different levels of the organizational hierarchy.

Blended Learning Approach

The program adopts a blended learning approach, combining online digital media with in-person instruction to create a more effective and customized learning experience. This approach includes:

  • Mobile Platform: Participants can access learning sessions through a mobile app and complete tasks at their own pace, anytime and anywhere.
  • Virtual learning sessions are live, instructor-led sessions delivered via Zoom and designed to simulate a classroom learning experience.

The course comprises seven sessions on the mobile platform, complemented by two virtual learning sessions.

Training Agenda

The training covers various aspects of selling, including:

  • Fundamentals of Selling
  • Selling as Art and Science
  • Selling as Art: Emphasizing that questions are the answers
  • Selling as Science: Introducing the SEED Framework of Selling

About the Speaker: Jeff Manhilot

Jeff Manhilot, a passionate sales and business leader, facilitates the program. With 16 years of experience in both local and multinational fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies, Jeff has a wealth of knowledge and practical experience in sales and leadership. He has led individuals and teams from diverse generations and backgrounds, giving him a unique perspective and ability to connect with participants.

What Makes It Different

  • Focus on Life Skills: The program stands out by positioning selling as a life skill essential for individuals in all professions, not just those in sales.
  • Interactive Learning: The highly interactive workshop ensures that participants are not passive learners; they actively engage with the content and apply what they learn.
  • Blended Learning: The combination of mobile and virtual learning sessions offers flexibility and ensures a comprehensive learning experience.
  • Expert Facilitation: Jeff Manhilot’s extensive experience and passion for sales and leadership add immense value to the program, ensuring participants learn from seasoned professionals.
  • Practical Application: The program emphasizes practical steps and real-world application, ensuring participants can immediately implement what they learn daily.

The “Art and Science of Selling” program by Inspire Leaders is a unique and valuable training that goes beyond the conventional boundaries of sales training. It empowers individuals across various professions with essential selling skills, fostering personal and professional growth.

3. Essential Selling by Salt & Light Ventures

“Essential Selling: Building a Strong Foundation for Impactful Results” is a remarkable sales training program designed to equip participants with the foundational skills and knowledge required to excel in sales. 

essential selling training program

Led by Mr. Jerome Tuason, a seasoned sales professional with 20 years of experience, this program offers a structured approach to selling tailored to meet the unique demands of various industries, products, services, and consumer needs.

Building a Robust Sales Foundation

The program emphasizes the importance of a strong foundation in sales and provides participants with the tools and strategies necessary to navigate the complexities of the sales landscape effectively. It acknowledges that while numerous techniques and methods are available, their applicability varies depending on specific factors such as industry type, the nature of the product or service, and consumer behavior.

Expert Facilitation: Mr. Jerome Tuason

Mr. Jerome Tuason brings knowledge and practical experience to the program, having studied, taught, and applied various sales techniques across different scenarios. His expertise and passion for sales make him an invaluable resource for participants looking to build or strengthen their sales foundation.

Who Should Attend

This program is ideal for:

  • Individuals are looking to kickstart their careers in sales.
  • Those seeking to learn the necessary foundations to enter and excel in the sales field.

Key Learning Outcomes

Participants will gain insights into:

  1. Defining Sales and Its Seven-Step Stage Process: Understanding the sales process from start to finish, providing a clear roadmap for successful selling.
  2. Prospecting, Communicating, and Closing Deals: This course will develop skills for identifying potential clients, communicating effectively, and confidently closing deals.
  3. Creating Lasting Impact: Learning to leave a positive and lasting impression on customers, ensuring long-term success and customer loyalty.

What Makes It Different

  • Experienced Facilitator: Mr. Jerome Tuason’s extensive experience and practical approach to sales training set this program apart, ensuring participants learn from a seasoned professional.
  • Foundational Focus: The program’s emphasis on building a strong sales foundation ensures that participants are well-equipped to handle the challenges and opportunities in the sales field.
  • Adaptable Strategies: Recognizing that sales techniques vary across industries and scenarios, the program provides flexible strategies to ensure success.
  • Comprehensive Learning: From defining sales and understanding the sales process to prospecting, communicating, and closing deals, the program covers all essential aspects of sales.
  • Empowerment for Growth: The program focuses on creating lasting impacts and fostering customer relationships, empowering participants to drive results, revenue, and growth in their respective fields.

“Essential Selling: Building a Strong Foundation for Impactful Results” is a comprehensive sales training program that provides participants with the foundational skills and knowledge required for success in the competitive sales field. Led by an experienced facilitator and tailored to meet the unique needs of various industries, this program stands out as a valuable investment for anyone looking to excel in sales.

Key Takeaways 

That’s it. Those are sales training programs in the Philippines, so you know what to expect in the corporate training. 

If you want a corporate trainer to level up your leaders, contact us for a free quote on our Sales Leadership Program

The post Best Sales Training Programs in the Philippines   appeared first on Venchito Tampon.

10 Important Aspects of Personal Development Mon, 09 Oct 2023 09:02:32 +0000 by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on October 9, 2023 Personal growth is understanding different aspects of personal development. When […]

The post 10 Important Aspects of Personal Development appeared first on Venchito Tampon.

by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on October 9, 2023

Personal growth is understanding different aspects of personal development. When nurtured, you get to achieve both success and fulfillment in life.

Being self-aware of each of these domains helps you achieve holistic personal growth.

A father can’t simply provide food for his family. He should also be a good father (parental) and husband (marital). 

At the same time, he does not neglect his priorities at work (vocational), becoming a volunteer for a church or other non-profit organization (avocational), still in touch with his friends (social), and pursuing growth through reading (intellectual) and manages emotions in downturns (emotional). 

This is only an excellent example of how one person should view personal growth. So, in this article, I’ll walk you through the ten essential aspects of personal development. 

10 Aspects of Personal Development

1. Physical

Physical fitness is doing two things right: a balanced diet and exercise. 

Maintaining good health and fitness prolongs lifespan and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. It also enhances your mood and mental well-being, allowing you to get more things done at work (vocational). It also strengthens your immune system, reducing susceptibility to illnesses. 

While doing exercise helps you in weight management and muscle toning. For men, it is a much-needed activity to strengthen their capacity and abilities for home activities. 

Any regular physical activity improves cardiovascular health. And doing it along with a balanced diet enhances metabolic functions. 

Adequate Sleep and Relaxation

When you have adequate sleep (6+ hours), you improve cognitive functions and memory, helping you to better recover from work. It also reduces stress and prevents you from having mental health issues. 

This primary aspect of personal development allows you to be more productive and achieve great things in life. Do not neglect the physical area, as it can primarily affect other life domains. 

2. Vocational / Career

We work a minimum of 40 hours every week (based on the work week hours of Filipino workers). 

You spend ⅓ of your life daily in the office (or at home – for remote workers).


Paying attention to your career lets you purchase material things from personal or business income. Giving you financial freedom and time you can spend with your family.

Being great in your vocational area is imperative to personal growth. Here are some actionable tips to grow your career:

1. Be a lifelong learner.

You must learn from inspiring and value-adding learning materials to succeed in your career. These include seminars, workshops, books, coaching, and mastermind groups.

By investing in yourself, you’ll reap the rewards after all application and putting the hard work of turning knowledge into action.

You’ll become more productive, delivering value to your customers, clients, and colleagues. 

One idea can change everything in your career. So, spend at least 30 minutes reading and learning new insights about your industry and personal development daily.

Some personal development experts I learned from are Francis Kong, Anthony Pangilinan, Jayson Lo, Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Dr. John Maxwell, and other respective leadership speakers and personality development experts in the Philippines.

By learning new insights, I can apply them to my work and grow my four businesses even more. 

2. Number your days. 

Numbering your days means you only invest time in things that will add value to your life and lead you to your success goals.

Learn to say no. Only some activities are worth your time. Some will only distract you from your purpose and direction in life.

Productivity is also doing the right things, so ensure you maximize your time practicing the right things to achieve meaningful results.

3. Upskill and widen your expertise. 

We live in a very volatile and ever-changing business landscape. Adapting to changes, innovating new ideas, and disrupting yourself to become an expert in one industry area will go a long way in your career.

Investing in various technical and soft skills training is one way to upskill in your space. 

Other learning interventions include life coaching, leadership, and business coaching

4. Set lagging and leading goals.

Goal setting allows you to see incremental progress in your career. By setting goals, you pull yourself into your future achievements.

Any person must set two types of goals: lagging and leading.

Lagging goals take a long time to change and achieve. One good example of this is earning a monthly income of Php 150,000. 

Leading goals measure the activities you need to help you reach your lagging goals. In our example, your lagging goal is to find an additional income stream that enables you to earn Php 50,000. Three income streams with similar or higher monthly profits can help you reach your lagging goal – Php 150,000. 

5. Build the proper habits. 

In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear said it this way: “You do not rise to the level of habits. You fail to the level of your systems”.

Proper habits can help you instill discipline and develop the correct identity you want for yourself. 

With habits and systems, it is possible to reach your goals.

So, think of the habits you need to build in your career to achieve your goals. These habits include reading books, attending seminars, listening to inspiring and helpful podcasts, and learning resources – this would allow you to grow by gaining the needed knowledge to hone your craft. 

3. Avocational

Avocational refers to activities outside of work. These include hobbies, interests, or leisure that allow you to pursue your passion and help others with their personal lives.

One of the avocational things I do is being part of our church volunteerism group. Helping others through my service allows me to grow my avocational area of life. 

Apart from it, I served as one of the Board of Trustees of Elevaxion, a non-profit organization that helps uplift other people’s lives through different outreach programs.

This could be a good example you may want to try as your avocational activities.

Let me give you some other examples of avocational activities:

  • Sports (hiking, skiing, basketball, etc..)
  • Book reading (non-fiction or fiction books) 
  • Joining a non-profit organization in your industry that shares the same values as you (e.g., JCI and Rotary Club). 
  • Being more confident in your speaking abilities through public workshops (e.g., Toastmasters’ public speaking classes).
  • Become a volunteer at a church. 

Pursuing your passion and interest allows you to maintain sanity and improve your mental well-being (outside of work). As we all know, if you’re only doing things within your vocation (work), it could sometimes lead to burnout. And to avoid burnout, you need some avocational activities. 

4. Financial

Financial domain is knowing how to grow the wealth given to you. Being wise and able to save money, earn more, and invest what you have are three keys to a prosperous financial area.

Based on one of the top-ranked financial experts in the country, Randell Tiongson, there are five steps to proper investing:

Step 1: Improving Cash Flow 

For every 100% of your net income, try to spend up to 70% of your income and 30% savings.

To improve your cash flow, it is best to find additional sources of income.

I have six different income sources that help me sustain my lifestyle and achieve my financial goals:

  • SharpRocket – a digital marketing agency that sells search engine optimization services to clients.
  • Hills & Valleys Cafe – a local cafe with available coffee franchising options.
  • Blend N Sips – eCommerce website selling coffee equipment, supplies, and tea products.
  • Rainmaker Training – corporate training, speaking, and team building services.
  • Consultancy services –  providing digital marketing advice and guidance to small business entrepreneurs like this event styling business

Step 2: Getting Out of Debt

Snowball effect – start with a small snowball. As it starts running downhill, it becomes bigger and bigger.

In getting out of debt, it is vital to take note of all personal loans, bank loans, credit cards, and any other type of debt.

By writing all of them, you’ll have a quick look at which monthly payments to go first. The key is to get out of debt quickly so you can proceed to other vital steps in investing.

After all, if you have more positive cash going in instead of cash paying out, you’re likely to achieve your financial goals.

Step 3: Setting Up Your Emergency Fund

Keep a maximum of 6 months’ worth of expenses.

You should set aside an emergency fund you use only when urgent or unnecessary things happen, such as paying for hospital bills.

Make an emergency fund a liquid asset that you can easily withdraw whenever some emergencies in need of cash come up. 

Step 4: Getting Protected From Life’s Risks

The biggest risk we can ever face is our untimely demise.

One financial investment you should consider is insurance. This involves investing in accident, life, and critical illness insurance. This gives you confidence whenever unexpected situations happen in your life. 

Step 5: Investing For Your Future

It can begin to work for us when we have appropriately invested our money.

The great thing about this wealth creation and investment is its alignment with the Filipino context – how Filipinos behave and think.

Investments available in the Philippines include UITF, mutual funds, stocks, cryptocurrency, bonds, forex trading, and PERA. You can check out this comprehensive list of the best investments in the Philippines.

5. Social

Personal development’s social or relational aspect allows us to enjoy authentic relationships and contribute better to the community.

Building connections with people adds more to our relational bank, which is essential in maintaining a well-rounded approach to personal growth.

We are all social beings. No one, regardless of their personality type, could live alone. As they say, “No man is an island”.

So, here are some ways to improve your social life as a personal development approach to take on.

1. Value other people’s interests.

The key to building more friendships and connections is to be interested in other people’s lives. The conversation shouldn’t always be about you when you talk to someone.

Be an active listener. Empathetically listen to both the verbal message (words) and non-verbal language (body language) of the person you’re speaking with.

The more you become interested in people’s lives, the better and more meaty the conversations you have with them.

2. Consider others better than yourself.

When increasing your social skills, consider what matters to the person you’re talking to. It could be that they have their problem, and you may suggest solutions or advice to guide the person towards something. 

Being considerate of what’s in for others allows you to be more of a service to them. This type of trait in personal development gives you leverage in gaining their trust and favor. 

Mutually beneficial relationships only happen if you initiate first in helping others with their challenges and problems in life.

3. Build better influence.

Influence isn’t only applicable in leadership but in relating yourself with others. You attract others toward you through words and actions and by simply living a life of personal excellence.

Not from an angle of brainwashing people, but when you serve others and amplify good influence, you allow others to come to you and connect more profoundly.

6. Spiritual 

All human beings are spiritual beings. At some point in one’s life, they’ll have to deal with the highest being – your Creator.

I’m certain each of us has some form of faith. We are a Christian nation in the Philippines, with Jesus and the Trinity as our primary objects of faith.

I respect other beliefs but believe in Jesus and the Bible as the source of truth and the manual of life.

To gain a holistic view of yourself, you should also prioritize spiritual growth. 

It significantly affects your life once you connect to a higher being. Wisdom, insight, and knowledge will be upon you. 

An intense spirituality gives inner peace and purpose, allowing you to sustain your personal growth.

7. Marital

This applies to people in the marriage season.

Investing time with your spouse is one of the highest investment returns for personal growth. You spend the most meaningful time with the love of your life and gain more love and joy whenever you are with your spouse.

Here are some tips to grow your marriage life:

  • Invest in a weekly date (without kids) to have an intimate connection with one another.
  • Communicate weaknesses, issues, and challenges appropriately. Consider your tone of voice and choice of words when speaking to your spouse. 
  • Instill essential values in your marriage. Values must be reflected in the way you communicate with your spouse. 
  • Avoid anything that will start any barrier or wall between you and your spouse.

8. Parental 

Parental aspects of personal development will impact your life for decades.

aspects of personal development

Given that you’ll be investing resources with your kids, your influence on them will be significant to others in their generation.

Nurture and guide your children as they grow up. Never think that just because you provide them with money- it is your only responsibility as a parent.

Set boundaries and take the time to discipline so they will go in the direction you want them to go. Godly, healthy, and wise kids who will be the next leaders in the sphere of influence they’re called to. 

More importantly, be a role model for your children. They only emulate your actions. So, displaying the right attitude towards them builds their character and helps them grow into mature adults. 

9. Emotional

Emotional health refers to your ability to manage thoughts and feelings when downturns, challenges, and problems come into your life. 

In personal development, we call it “emotional intelligence”. This is not based on how intellectual you are (more on this later) but rather on being self-aware of your emotions and being sensitive to other people’s feelings.

This remarkable ability allows you to influence others better and create better connections. 

And by improving your emotional intelligence, you can increase positive stress and manage negative stress, giving you an unfair advantage when a crisis happens to you. 

Here are some actionable tips to grow in the emotional aspect of personal development:

  • Be more self-aware of emotions (especially during downtimes).
  • Control your emotions. Don’t make significant decisions at your feelings’ peak and lowest points.
  • Be sensitive to other people’s feelings. Learn to discern from their body language.
  • Seek support from others when needed. Community can help you overcome distress and challenges in life. 

10. Intellectual

The intellectual aspect of personal development is your ability to expand knowledge, gain new insights, and learn wisdom from learning resources and other people.

By building your intellectual capacity, you can make wiser decisions, solve problems better, and significantly impact other people’s lives by sharing what you know.

Some people tend to make intellectual (or education industry) their vocation – so they earn a living by sharing what they know with others.

Here are some ways to grow your intellectual domain:

  • Read non-fiction books, autobiographies, and ebooks. 
  • Listen to inspirational and thought-provoking podcasts from top speakers, leaders, and successful business people.
  • Attend seminars, workshops, conferences, consulting, and coaching sessions. 

By seeking knowledge and wisdom, you get to increase your value in the marketplace – that will be helpful in your vocation, avocation, marital, emotional, parental, and other life domains.

Key Takeaways

There are many ways to grow in different aspects of your personal development, but one that will help you thrive and succeed is self-awareness. Every day, learn to invest in various tools, strategies, and systems to grow your personal growth. It will have a massive impact on the quality of life you want for yourself and your family. 

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How to Be Confident in Public Speaking (11 Actionable Tips) Thu, 28 Sep 2023 06:07:02 +0000 by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on September 28, 2023 I’ve spoken to more than 250+ seminars, conventions, and conferences. […]

The post How to Be Confident in Public Speaking (11 Actionable Tips) appeared first on Venchito Tampon.

by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on September 28, 2023

I’ve spoken to more than 250+ seminars, conventions, and conferences. As a public speaker, I made tough mistakes, learned from them, and achieved significant wins. 

how to be confident in public speaking

Most people fear public speaking, but confidence can change your speech. Here are some practical tips from my decade of public speaking experience.

How to Be Confident in Public Speaking 

1. Practice, practice, practice. 

Practice doesn’t make things perfect. Practice makes permanent.

When you practice, it gives you an initial boost of confidence in speaking. Knowing that you are prepared enough for the right things allows you to remember words and pictures while talking.

When you constantly practice your speech, you develop what professional speakers called as “muscle memory”. Muscle memory happens when you can instantly remember and speak what you know without looking at your cues (or slides).

This gives your audience an exciting side: you know what you’re talking about and are genuinely confident in your speech. 

2. Know that your audience wants you to win.

Instead of thinking that you will stutter, fail, or not fully deliver your talk, remember that, in the first place, your audience wants you to win.

The organizer who gets you to speak and your audience desires explicitly to learn more from you. They expect nothing from the best of you – and that shouldn’t add up to negative pressure, but rather, an excitement that you can transform their lives one way or another through your speech.

One of the best things I’ve learned in public speaking is that my audience has an inherent desire to learn (or be entertained). Though, for the most part, some of the seminars they’ve attended have failed to meet their expectations. 

They’re still looking (and waiting) for that time that one speech could help improve their lives. And that could be you if you think they’re working with you, not against you.

3. Speak what you know. 

Confidence comes from speaking what you know.

Some speakers would confirm to speak even if they don’t have any experience on the topic. Experience (and even expertise) allows speakers to be more confident in their words.

Remember: conviction gives a force for every word you utter. Therefore, the speech becomes more confident as it sounds to your audience.

Speak based on your personal experiences. Share your stories. Be more human to your audience, as they can relate better to it than discussing facts, numbers, and theories throughout your presentation. 

As you prepare your speech, consider any relevant life stories you can share to emphasize your points.

4. Remember you have something good to say.

When you speak what you know, remind yourself that it suits others.

Always be confident that what you say will benefit the audience listening to you. Some of them may not be truly listening, but for those genuinely hearing your words, you could significantly impact their lives with that 30-minute to 1-hour speech.

One tip to build confidence in your speech is to bank new information and learn by reading more books, listening to podcasts, and attending seminars.

Through this, you know that the accumulation of all this knowledge will put into any relevant part of your speech.

5. Make eye-to-eye contact.

One public speaking best practice is making eye-to-eye contact. 

Having eye-to-eye contact with people in your audience develops the right confidence. Your participants would see you’re starting to build rapport with your eyes. 

Remember, your eye is the window to your soul. Your positivity and excitement will be passed on to them just by simply making eye-to-eye contact.

6. Connect with your audience at the start. 

Building rapport isn’t easy, but it can be practiced.

You should establish a connection with your audience in the first few minutes of your talk. 

engagement in public speaking

Briefly introduce yourself, and quickly share something that can relate to your audience.

Here are a few actionable tips for connecting with your audience:

  • Smile. The best way to break barriers from your audience is to smile at them. It reveals authenticity and joy towards your people. 
  • Share relevant stories. We want more stories than facts/theories. Stories that can emphasize your points are best, as they allow for information to be retained in the minds of your participants. 
  • Add some humor. Make people laugh by sharing a joke or witty information.

Connection is the key to communication. The more effortless for you to connect to your audience, the better you can share your information (also helps in retaining the information). 

7. Make your talk collapsible and expandable. 

Speech has different time durations. The organizer may ask you to speak for just 30 minutes. Other events could take you 3 to 4 hours. 

The duration of your speech depends on the objectives of the event. So, learning how to make your talk collapsible – making it shorter than the usual time allotted, or expandable – making it longer by adding more points and information.

Making your talk collapsible and expandable is an advanced public speaking skill I’ve learned from one of my mentors, Jayson Lo, a top-ranked corporate speaker in the Philippines.

It is a game-changer for any speaker to control their speech, knowing they can do it in 10 minutes or 2 hours. Doing so gives them more confidence in public speaking. 

8. Use the Big 3 Rule.

Determining your main three points (“Big 3 Rule”) is the key to making it expandable and collapsible.

Often, speakers want to overload their audience with too much information, examples, and stories. But generally, you only want to speak with clarity and brevity.

The simpler your speech is, the better. Using the Big 3 Rule allows you to avoid the curse of knowledge and makes speech more memorable to your audience. 

Here are some practical tips when using the Big 3 Rule: 

  • Think of 3 things you want your audience to remember about your topic.
  • Avoid using jargon. Simplify your words.
  • Make points actionable so your participants can apply them immediately to their work and personal lives.
  • Start your talk with your one big idea followed by the main 3 points, then end it with your one big idea again.

9. Record your speech.

Part of practicing your speech is watching what you say and how you say it. You do that by recording yourself during practice.

When you record your speech, you could take several minutes to give feedback on yourself or even ask others to suggest new things you can improve. 

The key is to be more self-aware of your strengths and weaknesses in public speaking. 

Essentially, you want to maximize public speaking strategies that have worked incredibly for you and avoid or minimize the weaknesses – and mistakes that would turn off your audience and make them leave the venue.

Recording your speech in practice and speaking engagements helps you get more feedback and evaluate your experiences.

10. Arrive early for your speech. 

The last thing you want to do is to be in a hurry that your audience pisses off because you’re late in your speech. 

Being early at the venue gives you initial confidence as you can see exactly what the venue looks like when you walk on stage (specific parts of the stage you can use to emphasize your points). At the same time, get a feel of the atmosphere when the audience is around.

Relax. And feel the mood before you speak. 

You can also use the early hours to engage your audience – talk to them and ask questions about their expectations from the event. This allows you to customize your speech to exceed their expectations while serving their needs through the points and information you will share.

10. Relax when things go wrong. 

There are uncertainties you cannot control while doing your speech. 

You may only know some of these once you start talking. Things like power interruption, a few audiences coming in the event, technical issues with your slide presentation, or as simple as you don’t have a stage to step on.

These things are uncontrollable or could be solved when you ask for help from organizers. But the thing is, you’ve got to relax when things go wrong.

Your audience would feel you’re awry, nervous, and uneasy. And this might affect how they would perceive you as a speaker.

So relax. And start your speech. Your audience knows only some speeches will be perfect. But if they see you do your best to deliver it properly and serve them genuinely, they would appreciate you coming over and speaking to them.

Key Takeaways 

Being confident in public speaking comes from the inside. If you know your worth and have something good to say, you don’t have to worry about what others will tell you (others’ judgment) and continue speaking.

You’ll be amazed at how transformative your speaking engagement is just by being confident. 

The post How to Be Confident in Public Speaking (11 Actionable Tips) appeared first on Venchito Tampon.

Best Leadership Training Programs in the Philippines (Reviewed) Mon, 25 Sep 2023 05:56:56 +0000 by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on January 10, 2024 You’re probably an HR practitioner, event organizer, and in-house learning […]

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by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on January 10, 2024

You’re probably an HR practitioner, event organizer, and in-house learning and development officer looking for ways to improve your people through leadership courses. 

Let me give you five of the best leadership training programs in the Philippines, some of which I’ve personally attended (Venchito speaking), and you can attest to the level of content and insights you’ll get from them. 

I’ve shared my best insights and what I think the leadership program is for. 

Best Leadership Training Programs in the Philippines 

1. Modern-Day Leadership Training Program By Rainmaker

I know it’s weird to take this on top of the list of leadership training programs in the Philippines. But I highly believe in our own leadership training course.

Some of our recent clients include insurance companies such as Cocolife and Prulife. Cocolife hired me (Venchito) to conduct a comprehensive leadership training program for their top sales directors. 

modern day leadership training program

Modern-Day Leadership Training program is designed for managers, supervisors, soon-to-be-promoted leaders, and executives to upgrade their skills and attitude in learning their people.

With the new workforce (Gen Zs), this leadership program aims to give you upgraded and relevant information on the challenges leaders face today, including multi-generational communication issues. 

By focusing on these five pillars (see image below), we can help you develop the right leadership style centered on values that can guide your team toward getting results for your company or organization.

modern day leadership training framework

These five pillars include:

  • Modeling – Lead by Example
  • Connecting – Lead by Heart
  • Visioneering – Lead with Direction
  • Empowering – Lead in Trust
  • Modeling – Lead through Collaboration 

Previous clients who requested this topic from Venchito include:

corporate speaking clientsWhat makes the Modern-Day Leadership Program different?

1. It is centered on values. 

Other leadership programs may be focused on developing skills, which is greatly important in today’s changing business landscape. However, I still believe in building the proper foundation of character for leaders.

If leaders operate on their personal values, aligning them hopefully with the values of their organization, they can be more effective in handling people in such a way that they do more than what is required of them.

They cater to the needs of their people instead of only trying to satisfy their desires and needs. 

2. It contains relevant information.

I loved books, but some of the leadership books may not be relevant to today’s leadership culture. Leadership trainers must continually upgrade their materials to be more relevant in how organizations develop their leaders. 

With the rise of technology and automation, how can leaders adapt to employees’ ever-changing needs and changing business landscape?

You can see the relevance factor in corporate training materials when the Filipino corporate trainer provides real-life examples and case studies in the workplace. All these give insights that training participants can take home to their workplaces. 

3. It guides participants to develop leadership habits. 

Modern-Day Leadership Program gives you a framework for the habits you have to build as leaders and tools and strategies you can utilize in different leadership situations. 

When you’re still starting as a leader and have been leading people for a while, there are specific leadership theories and principles you must adapt to that situation. 

Habits will help you teach discipline in your leadership life. That said, with our leadership training program, you can experience how to build healthy habits to support your everyday leadership role. 

book signing venchito tampon

Bring Modern-Day Leadership Program To Your Company 

Invite Venchito Tampon and his team to conduct a Modern-Day Leadership Training program so you can upgrade the leadership skills of your employees and executives. Contact us to set an initial meeting and get a free quotation

2. Level Up Leadership by Francis Kong

Considered the top-ranked speaker, trainer, and business consultant, Francis Kong’s best-selling training program has helped thousands of leaders from different organizations across different industries.

I (Venchito) personally attended his Level Up Leadership in 2019, and I would say I’m a recipient of the valuable lessons and insights from Mr. Francis Kong himself.

francis kong speaking level up

francis kong leadership expert

What I liked about Level Up Leadership?

  • Leadership methodologies from different generations. Mr. Francis Kong will show you how leadership has evolved over 50 years from how Baby Boomers used leadership as a tool to manage their business to where it is today, working with the Generation Z workforce. 
  • It is centered on values. Though Mr. Kong will show you the exemplary leadership skills to pursue, including how to ask relevant questions and engage your people, you won’t miss topics about values and character development. 
  • The subject “servant leadership” is included in the program. As far as I remember, it is one of the last topics he discussed that shared how Jesus led his 12 disciples – which is the most impactful part of the program.
  • Relevant case studies and group discussions. Mr. Francis wants his audience to engage with one another, which means group activities where sharing and discussion are highly encouraged. I loved this part because you’ll have plenty of time to network with like-minded individuals and learn how they apply leadership in their respective industries. 

level up leadership workbook

Who does Level Up Leadership cater to? 

Intermediate to advanced-level leaders, i.e., executives, deans of schools and colleges, government officials, and high-level directors and managers. Most topics are advanced and well thought out towards a high-level knowledge. That said, the program is still excellent and applicable for newbie leaders.

3. Moving into Management by Boris Joaquin 

This is another leadership training I attended in 2019. 

moving into management training program

Boris Joaquin is one of the premier leadership corporate trainers in the country. Having been sought by the top 1000 corporations and SME leaders, Boris knew how to conduct leadership training that could best serve his audience. 

picture taking with boris joaquin

What I liked about Moving into Management?

  • Easy to understand principles of management and leadership, i.e., the fundamental differences between management and leadership.
  • Group activities to help you understand better yourself as leaders and how to apply specific topics to everyday living.
  • Plenty of time to network with other corporate leaders. 
  • Fun and light environment. You would find yourself having fun while learning at the same time. 
  • Excellent workbook I can take home and get more insights from. 

Who does Moving into Management cater to? 

Moving into Management program is catered to rank-and-file employees or any position soon-to-be organization leaders. It is a preparatory training to help them understand what management and leadership is all about.

I believe this program isn’t for advanced-level leaders. However, some of the principles still apply to executives and directors in the company. 

4. Step Back Leadership by Lloyd Luna

I haven’t attended any Step Back leadership program of Lloyd Luna. Yet, based on the videos and stories he posted, I can attest that his leadership program has truly helped many leaders in different organizations.

What I liked about Step Back Leadership

  • Step Back Leadership is rooted in how ancient leaders lead their people and conduct succession planning programs.
  • Local context. You would find the difference between how local leaders and Western counterparts lead their organizations. There is a significant difference; you would understand the principles behind how we are wired to be led. 
  • Simple to understand. You can have this leadership program for every level of employee – rank-and-file, managers, supervisors, and executives. 

5. John Maxwell Leadership Trainings

Certified John Maxwell Trainers, including Ardy Abello, Anthony Pangilinan, and Mondo Castro, also brought Western leadership programs here. 

Needless to say, Dr. John Maxwell is considered the world’s leadership expert who has written hundreds of books on leadership and success. 

This is a testament to his global impact and the value and quality of his leadership programs.

What I liked about John Maxwell’s Leadership Training: 

  • Timeless principles. John Maxwell is pretty good at creating laws for every topic, including communication, leadership, and success. These laws are evergreen and can be applied to every context, industry, organization, country, and age. 
  • Simplicity. You don’t have to be highly educated to understand his principles. Maxwell is pretty good at simplifying things and making it easy for you to apply in everyday life. 
  • Inspirational. Most Maxwell training programs and books have an element of inspiration in them. Even just reading his books, you’ll feel a sense of inspiration to take action and level up your leadership game.

Key Takeaways 

That’s it. Those are leadership training programs in the Philippines, some I’ve personally attended and reviewed, so you know what to expect in the corporate training. 

If you’re looking for a corporate trainer to level up your leaders, contact us for a free quote on our Modern-Day Leadership Program

The post Best Leadership Training Programs in the Philippines (Reviewed) appeared first on Venchito Tampon.

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7 Tips to Find Online Jobs in the Philippines Thu, 03 Aug 2023 12:02:44 +0000 by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on August 3, 2023 In recent years, the employment landscape has transformed drastically, and […]

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by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on August 3, 2023

In recent years, the employment landscape has transformed drastically, and the Philippines has embraced the rise of online work with open arms. This blog aims to guide you through securing a legitimate online job in the Philippines, allowing you to capitalize on your skills and talents from home. 

Whether you’re a freelancer, remote worker, or someone seeking flexible work options, these invaluable tips will empower you to successfully navigate the digital job market. Let’s dive in and unlock the door to online opportunities!

1. Identify Your Skills and Interests

A. Assessing your strengths and talents: 

The first step towards finding the right online job in the Philippines is to self-assess your skills, strengths, and interests. Consider your professional background, educational qualifications, and specialized skills. 

Identify your areas of expertise: writing, graphic design, programming, customer service, or marketing. Understanding your strengths will help you align them with the most suitable online job opportunities.

B. Exploring various online job categories: 

Online work offers diverse job categories catering to different skills and interests. Take the time to explore various online job platforms and websites to discover the breadth of options available. 

Some common categories include freelance writing, virtual assistance, web development, graphic design, online tutoring, and e-commerce. By exploring these categories, you can gain insights into the roles and responsibilities associated with each, helping you narrow down your choices.

C. Matching skills with suitable online job options: 

Once you’ve identified your strengths and explored different job categories, it’s time to match your skills with suitable online job options. Look for positions that align with your expertise and interests. Focus on roles that allow you to showcase your talents and contribute effectively. Remember that not every job may be an ideal fit, so be selective and target opportunities that genuinely resonate with your skill set and aspirations.


2. Research Reliable Job Platforms

A. Popular online job platforms in the Philippines: 

With the growing demand for online work, numerous job platforms have emerged in the Philippines. Research and identify reputable outlets with a proven track record of connecting job seekers with legitimate opportunities. Websites like is the perfect place for finding online jobs in the Philippines

B. Understanding the platform’s reputation and user reviews: 

Consider its reputation and user reviews before investing time and effort into a particular job platform. Look for testimonials or feedback from other freelancers or remote workers who have used the platform. 

A reliable platform will have positive reviews, transparent payment systems, and a secure environment to safeguard your interests. Beware of media with a history of delayed payments, scams, or unresolved complaints.

C. Signing up and creating an attractive profile: 

Once you’ve selected a trustworthy job platform, it’s time to create a compelling profile. Your profile acts as your digital resume, showcasing your skills, experiences, and achievements. Craft a professional and engaging profile that highlights your expertise and demonstrates your commitment to quality work. 

Include a well-written bio, relevant portfolio samples, and any certifications or credentials you possess. An attractive profile will increase your chances of attracting potential clients or employers and set you apart from other applicants.


3. Building a Strong Online Presence

A. The significance of a professional online presence: 

A robust online presence is crucial for job seekers in the digital age. Employers often search for candidates’ online profiles to assess their professionalism and credibility. Create a consistent and professional online presence that reflects your skills and expertise. Ensure your social media profiles project a positive image and align with your career aspirations.

B. Optimizing your social media profiles and LinkedIn: 

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for professional networking and job hunting. Optimize your LinkedIn profile with relevant keywords, a professional headshot, and a well-written summary highlighting your skills and experiences. Use social media platforms strategically to showcase your expertise and engage with industry peers, potential clients, or employers.

C. Showcasing your portfolio or previous work samples: 

A well-curated portfolio is essential for demonstrating your capabilities to potential clients or employers. Include your best work samples, case studies, or projects that showcase your skills and achievements. Whether you are a graphic designer, writer, or programmer, a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate portfolio will leave a lasting impression on those who visit your profile.


4. Networking and Making Connections

A. Joining online job-related groups and forums: 

Networking within online job-related groups and forums can open new opportunities and valuable connections. Engage in discussions, share your expertise, and learn from others in your field. Networking can lead to referrals, collaborations, and insights into industry trends.

B. Reaching out to fellow freelancers or remote workers: 

Connect with fellow freelancers or remote workers who share similar interests or work in your niche. Engaging with peers can provide support, encouragement, and valuable advice. They might also refer you to potential clients or projects, expanding your professional network.

C. Leveraging personal and professional networks: 

Remember to underestimate the power of your existing personal and professional networks. Let friends, family, and former colleagues know about your online job search. They might know of opportunities or introduce you to relevant contacts, helping you kickstart your online career.


5. Mastering the Interview Process

A. Preparing for virtual job interviews: 

Virtual job interviews have become increasingly common in the online job market. To ace your virtual interviews, ensure you have the necessary technology and a stable internet connection. Rehearse your responses to common interview questions and practice maintaining eye contact with the camera to establish a relationship with the interviewer.

B. Showcasing your communication and collaboration skills: 

In a virtual interview, effective communication is paramount. Demonstrate your communication skills by speaking clearly and articulately. Practice active listening to show genuine interest in the interviewer’s questions and comments. 

Showcase your ability to collaborate by sharing examples of successful teamwork in previous remote projects or during your in-office experiences. Emphasize your proficiency in remote collaboration tools like Slack, Trello, or Zoom to highlight your adaptability to the digital workspace further.

C. Handling common interview questions and scenarios: 

Be prepared to answer common interview questions assessing your suitability for the role and fit within the company culture. Typical questions may include your strengths and weaknesses, how you handle challenges, and your long-term career goals. Tailor your responses to showcase how your skills align with the job requirements and how you can contribute to the company’s success. Be confident but not overbearing, and remember to balance showcasing your abilities and being humble.

During the interview, be prepared to discuss how you handle specific scenarios, such as meeting tight deadlines, dealing with conflicts in a remote team, or handling independent project management. Draw on relevant experiences from your past work to demonstrate your problem-solving skills and ability to adapt to different situations.

Additionally, be prepared to ask thoughtful questions at the end of the interview. Inquiring about the company’s culture, team dynamics, and growth opportunities shows your genuine interest and enthusiasm for the position.



In conclusion, finding online jobs in the Philippines offers opportunities for skilled individuals seeking flexible and rewarding careers. By identifying your strengths, exploring legitimate job platforms, and building a robust online presence, you can attract potential clients or employers and avoid scams. 

Networking and mastering the interview process will further boost your chances of landing your dream online job. Embrace the digital work lifestyle, balance flexibility with discipline, and continuously upskill to stay ahead in the dynamic online job market. You can unlock a prosperous and fulfilling online career journey with determination and these tips. Happy job hunting!

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Why Team Building is Important: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Success Sat, 08 Jul 2023 00:54:47 +0000 by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on July 8, 2023 Team building has become a crucial aspect of the modern […]

The post Why Team Building is Important: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Success appeared first on Venchito Tampon.

by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on July 8, 2023

Team building has become a crucial aspect of the modern work environment, with its importance widely recognized by organizations around the globe. As businesses strive to stay competitive, fostering employee collaboration and cohesion is essential for success. Activities of team building facilitators promote accountability, improves communication, and bolster overall organizational performance by creating trust and cooperation.

The positive impact of team building on team effectiveness is well-documented in various studies and research papers. For instance, an analysis published in Science Direct highlights how team building interventions can enhance internal dynamics, boost morale, and have the potential to transform groups into high-performing teams. Organizations can expect increased productivity, reduced employee turnover, and a more empowered workforce by prioritizing team building in the workplace.

In essence, team building is a vital tool for organizations seeking to foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork. By investing in activities and initiatives that bring employees closer together, businesses can realize quantifiable improvements in their overall effectiveness, ensuring long-term success in an increasingly competitive market.

The Importance of Team Building

Team building plays a crucial role in any organization or group. It fosters effective communication and collaboration among team members, improving overall performance. Through team building exercises and activities, individuals learn to work together toward a common goal, resulting in a harmonious and productive work environment.

why is team building important

One of the key benefits of team building is the development of trust among team members. Participating in group activities, individuals can better understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and communication styles. This leads to greater trust and confidence in each other’s abilities, allowing for a more open and constructive exchange of ideas.

Another important aspect of team building is enhancing problem-solving and decision-making skills. With a strong team dynamic, members can efficiently address challenges and make informed decisions based on collective input. This results in a more streamlined, proactive approach to identifying and resolving obstacles.

Team building also contributes to increased motivation and morale. As individuals work together, they develop a sense of camaraderie and support, promoting a sense of achievement and satisfaction in their work. This positive atmosphere improves overall productivity and helps retain valuable talent.

Moreover, team building helps in identifying and leveraging individual strengths and competencies. Each person brings unique skills and experiences; a well-constructed team ensures these talents are utilized effectively. By building an inclusive research team, organizations can capitalize on the collective skillset and bring diverse perspectives to their operations.

In summary, the importance of team building must be considered. Team building strategies can significantly enhance any organization’s overall success and growth by fostering trust, effective communication, problem-solving skills, and motivation.

Why Team Building is Important in an Organization

Team building is crucial to an organization’s overall success and growth. It helps foster a positive work environment and promotes effective collaboration among employees. In today’s fast-paced corporate world, working together efficiently is essential for achieving organizational goals.

One of the main benefits of team building is the increase in employee engagement and job satisfaction. Employees develop a stronger sense of commitment to their colleagues and the organization by participating in team-building activities. Employees can form a deep understanding of belonging and trust with their teammates through these activities, leading to a more cohesive and productive team environment.

Another important aspect of team building is enhancing communication, enabling employees to express their ideas and opinions openly. Effective communication makes it much easier for teams to handle challenges and conflicts that may arise during work projects. Team building exercises help break down communication barriers and encourage employees to be more mindful of each other’s perspectives and needs.

Moreover, team building can also aid in developing problem-solving and critical-thinking skills among employees. These activities often involve team members working together to overcome obstacles, allowing them to think creatively and learn how to tackle issues efficiently. In the long run, these skills are beneficial for the overall growth and development of the organization.

Lastly, team building contributes to a positive organizational culture. A strong, cohesive team encourages sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences, ultimately fostering a learning environment. This leads to increased innovation and improvement within the organization, enabling it to stay competitive.

In conclusion, team building is integral to an organization’s success. It fosters collaboration, improves communication, and promotes a positive work culture, all of which contribute to the growth and sustainability of a company. Investing in team-building activities can increase employee engagement, job satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.

Why is Team Building Important in Leadership?

Team building plays a crucial role in leadership as it fosters collaboration, enhances communication, and improves problem-solving skills among team members. Leaders must prioritize team building because it greatly contributes to the organization’s success.

One reason why team building is significant in leadership is that it helps in developing high-performing teams. A well-executed team-building effort can bring numerous advantages, such as increased productivity and improved employee morale [source].

Moreover, effective team development has a direct impact on the overall performance of the organization. Leaders who excel at fostering teamwork are better at navigating challenges and leveraging the strengths of their team members [source].

In addition to promoting cohesion and cooperation, team building helps enhance the motivation of employees at the workplace. This creates a positive work environment, increasing job satisfaction and employee retention. 

Furthermore, team building lays the groundwork for improved communication and collaboration, promoting innovative ideas and creative solutions to problems [source]. By engaging in team-building activities, leaders can address the varying needs of diverse individuals, ultimately encouraging the harmonious functioning of the team.

In conclusion, team building is essential for leadership as it facilitates the creation of a strong and resilient team. A leader who values team building will likely nurture a high-performing, motivated, and successful organization.

Why Team Building is Important in Business

Team building plays a crucial role in the success of a business, as it improves communication, fosters collaboration, and enhances employee problem-solving skills. Employees develop a sense of unity and trust by engaging in team-building activities, allowing them to work efficiently and effectively towards common goals.

One significant benefit of team building is its potential to boost employee morale. Participating in team-building exercises allows employees to bond with their coworkers and provides an opportunity for personal development. When employees feel valued, their motivation and job satisfaction levels increase, positively affecting the company’s overall productivity.

Another advantage of team building is enhanced communication. Effective teamwork relies on clear communication between employees. Through team-building activities, employees can better understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to work collaboratively and address potential misunderstandings.

Furthermore, team building plays a pivotal role in developing problem-solving skills. Employees often face tasks requiring creative thinking and innovative solutions during team-building exercises. By working together, employees can hone their ability to tackle complex challenges and make well-informed decisions, benefiting both the individual and the company.

Lastly, a strong focus on team building contributes to employee retention. A positive working environment where employees feel supported and part of a cohesive team can lead to lower turnover rates. This, in turn, helps companies save resources spent on hiring and training new employees.

In conclusion, team building is essential in business as it fosters a sense of unity, improves employee morale and communication, and supports employees in developing valuable problem-solving skills. These aspects contribute to a happier, more efficient, and more productive workforce, positively impacting the business’s bottom line.

Why Team Building Events Are Important

Team building events are crucial in fostering collaboration and communication among employees. They create a positive and supportive work environment, which can translate to increased productivity and job satisfaction. One reason for their significance is that they facilitate second language development, enabling team members from diverse backgrounds to communicate effectively.

During team building activities, employees can hone their problem-solving skills and learn to work more effectively as a unit. Employees can better understand strengths and weaknesses by engaging in collaborative tasks, making delegating tasks easier, and optimizing team performance. Team building events also create opportunities for team members to establish rapport, build trust, and develop personal relationships.

Moreover, studies have shown that early team events can affect subsequent project team development and performance. High-performing teams often exhibit better communication, increased morale, and a stronger commitment to project outcomes, ultimately leading to improved organizational results.

In addition to these practical benefits, team building events can promote a sense of belonging and pride within the organization. Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work, positively impacting overall performance.

In conclusion, team building events are essential for fostering a collaborative and high-performing work environment. They help to develop critical communication skills, build trust and rapport among team members, and improve problem-solving and decision-making capabilities. Organizations that invest in team building activities can expect tangible benefits in employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall success.

Why is Team Building Important FAQs:

What is the importance of team building in a team?

Team building is crucial in a team as it enhances collaboration, reduces internal competition, and cultivates a positive work environment. By fostering strong relationships and embracing individual strengths and weaknesses, team building activities create an effective and productive work culture.

What is team building and its benefits?

Team building activities promote collaboration, trust, motivation, and personal growth. Effective team building requires purposeful planning for meaningful outcomes. Engaging in purpose-driven activities enables teams to address weaknesses and foster strengths, resulting in a genuine impact on team dynamics and performance.

What is the most important thing in team building?

Effective communication is crucial for successful team building. It ensures everyone is informed and prevents misunderstandings. However, listening skills are equally important for fostering teamwork. Good communication and active listening promote collaboration and achieve team goals.

What are the benefits of team building for workplace productivity?

Team building activities can increase workplace productivity by promoting cooperation, engagement, and mutual understanding among team members. This results in efficient use of resources and a more effective work environment. Participants can learn to recognize and capitalize on each other’s strengths, leading to improved problem-solving and decision-making capabilities. Research highlights the importance of trust and communication in teamwork, which fosters increased productivity.

How does team building contribute to overall employee engagement?

Team building activities increase employee engagement by facilitating communication, trust, and collaboration. When employees actively participate in team building exercises, they feel more connected with their colleagues and are motivated to work towards common goals. Engaged employees are more likely to be proactive and committed to their organization’s success, contributing to employee retention and productivity.

What role does team building play in improving communication among team members?

Team building activities serve as a platform for team members to practice and improve their communication skills. Through interactive games, challenges, and simulations, participants learn to share ideas, listen actively, and provide constructive feedback. This reinforcement of effective communication within the team has a lasting impact on their ability to tackle workplace challenges and achieve organizational goals.

In what ways does team building help in fostering innovation and creativity?

Team building exercises often require participants to work together to solve problems and develop creative solutions. Individuals are encouraged to think outside the box and contribute unique ideas in this environment. Collaborating in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere can help spark new thinking patterns and foster innovation within the team.

How does team building aid in conflict resolution within a team?

Conflict may occasionally arise within a team, and effective conflict resolution is essential for team success. Team building activities allow team members to develop conflict resolution abilities in a low-stakes environment. By working on shared goals and completing tasks, team members can constructively address disputes, build empathy, and learn to communicate openly and effectively about their concerns.

What is the impact of team building on employee motivation and morale?

Engaging in team building activities can positively impact employee motivation and morale. These events can break the monotony of the daily work routine, allowing team members to de-stress and rejuvenate. Employees may feel achievement when completing tasks in a team setting.

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Team Building Venues in Batangas Sat, 24 Jun 2023 02:54:59 +0000 by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on June 24, 2023 Regarding team building venues in Batangas, Philippines, finding the perfect […]

The post Team Building Venues in Batangas appeared first on Venchito Tampon.

by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on June 24, 2023

Regarding team building venues in Batangas, Philippines, finding the perfect location is crucial for a successful event. Fortunately, Batangas offers many fantastic options with breathtaking natural surroundings, top-notch facilities, and exciting activities.

Batangas has it all, whether you’re searching for beachfront resorts with pristine shores, sprawling estates with lush gardens, or adventure-filled mountain retreats. These venues are ideal for team building facilitators fostering camaraderie, boosting morale, and creating lasting memories. Join us as we explore some of Batangas’s best team building venues, where unforgettable experiences and effective team development await.


Team Building Venues in Batangas

1. Club Balai Isabel (Batangas)

Club Balai Isabel, situated in Talisay in Batangas and bordering Tagaytay Ridge, is a renowned luxury resort spanning a vast 9-hectare estate. Nestled on the shores of Tagaytay Lake, this lakeside haven offers breathtaking views of the famous volcano and the lush greenery surrounding it, making it a sought-after destination for nature enthusiasts.

Attracting nature lovers and eco-tourism enthusiasts, Club Balai Isabel is known for its commitment to conservation efforts and a wide range of outdoor activities. Kayaking, sailing, wakeboarding, biking, and fly fishing are just a few of the exhilarating adventures that await visitors. The resort also boasts top-notch facilities that are perfect for team-building activities. Its expansive grounds provide ample space for obstacle course races while swimming pools, boardwalks, basketball courts, and open areas adorned with verdant foliage cater to large groups. Additionally, the resort features an in-house chapel and several pavilions, ideal for hosting conferences or special celebrations.

club balai isabel team building

Source: TripAdvisor

When it comes to dining, guests can savor the flavors of Batangas cuisine prepared using fresh farm ingredients at the Terraza Restaurant. Isabel’s Panaderia and Pizza are sure to satisfy those craving Italian delicacies and pastries. Accommodation options at Club Balai Isabel range from air-conditioned hotel rooms equipped with modern amenities to spacious villas complete with kitchens, allowing guests to prepare their meals.

Over the years, Club Balai Isabel has become a popular choice for company outings and weddings, thanks to its picturesque location along the shores of Taal Lake. The resort offers a variety of villa-style accommodations and function rooms to cater to different events. In addition, guests can enjoy recreational facilities such as pedicab bikes, billiards, darts, volleyball, basketball, and an obstacle course, which Playworks has seamlessly incorporated into their team-building programs at the resort.


Function Areas:

Team Building
Building rapport and fostering strong relationships among colleagues is crucial in any workplace. Team building exercises play a vital role in developing trust and a sense of camaraderie among employees working for the same company, ultimately creating a more cohesive and bonded working environment.

Company Outing
Summertime presents an ideal opportunity to plan a bonding getaway with co-workers. During this season, many companies treat their employees to a staff outing as a gesture of appreciation for their hard work.

Training or Seminar

Seminars aim to provide participants with valuable knowledge in a specific subject matter. By presenting new information in a formal lecture setting, meetings enable attendees to gain technical expertise through presentations and discussions conducted by industry experts.

When it comes to training or seminar venues, creating a conducive learning environment is essential. Club Balai Isabel offers a range of indoor function halls and deluxe rooms that are perfect for hosting seminars and training sessions. Located just a few hours from Metro Manila, the resort’s strategic location allows companies to conduct their events in a peaceful and charming setting without the hassle of long-distance travel.

Whether seeking adventure, relaxation, or a place to foster stronger bonds within your team, Club Balai Isabel in Batangas provides the perfect backdrop for unforgettable experiences and successful team-building endeavors.


Contact Details:

Batangas Office
Operating Hours: Monday to Sunday, 8am – 7pm

Club Balai Isabel, Talisay, Batangas



  • Front Office (in-house guest inquiries): 0917-133-8236
  • Reservations (room bookings, day tours, and events): 0917-134-0532
  • Terraza Cafe & Restaurant: 0995-217-8678
  • Kumintang Republik Restaurant: 0930-425-0512 & 0997-067-0158
  • Studio Plantmaed and Maecopa Cabana: 0918-885-9335

Email Addresses:


Team Building Reviews for Club Balai Isabel:

“Courteous staff, clean rooms, good food”

We had our Team Building Activity at Club Balai, and their staff was accommodating. The food was delicious, and the servings were generous. The rooms were well-maintained, clean, and equipped with a small kitchen and amenities for light meal preparation. This is perfect for family outings.


“Love this place.”

My first visit to this resort was over 6 years ago, and when I returned last week, I was pleasantly surprised by the significant changes. They have added more buildings, including conference rooms, suites, and villas, maximizing the ample space available.

We organized our annual team building event at CBI with about 55 people. We stayed in the Agoncillo Building and rented the Kumintang conference room, perfect for our group size. The food was excellent, and the staff were incredibly nice. We explored the resort the day before the team building and were amazed by its vastness.

We stayed in the De Luxe room, which comfortably accommodated six people. The room was clean, the air conditioning worked perfectly, and there was a hot and cold shower. When we entered the room, we encountered a minor issue with a leaking faucet near the stove, but the staff promptly addressed it. The resort boasts multiple swimming pools (around 3) and has beautiful mansions with private pools. During our stay, the resort was fully booked.

The food was fantastic! We had many options: vegetables, chicken, pork, fish, beef, unlimited iced tea, and desserts. We even ordered lechon for our gala night.

I would like to express my gratitude to Marian Salvador, who took care of us during our 3-day/2-night stay at CBI, ensuring that everything was well-prepared for our team building. Special thanks to our super nice waiters, Kuya JR, Randy, and Jeffrey, who attended to all our needs. To all the staff, thank you for being so kind and accommodating!

I recommend this resort to my family and friends and look forward to returning soon.


“Remarkable experience!”

The staff at Club Balai Isabel are friendly and accommodating. The food at the restaurant is delicious, and we will be returning. Despite the rainy weather during our two-day stay, the experience and fun we had were unparalleled. Whether you’re visiting in groups, for team building, or with family, the resort offers affordable rates, allowing everyone to enjoy the aqua park and outdoor activities. See you there! Once again, thank you to Club Balai for a wonderful experience.


“Best accommodation by Taal Lake”
With the majestic Taal Volcano, Taal Lake is one of the most scenic destinations not just in Luzon or the Philippines but the whole world. And Club Balai Isabel offers you the opportunity to wake up by the lake and enjoy the breathtaking view of Taal Volcano.


2. Club Punta Fuego

Club Punta Fuego is a luxurious beach resort along the picturesque coast of Nasugbu, Batangas. This province, known for its pristine beaches, hidden coves, diving sites in Anilao, and world-class water sports facilities, offers the perfect backdrop for a memorable team-building experience.

The resort’s Spanish-Mediterranean-inspired accommodations consist of 15 rooms and 33 casitas, with some offering stunning sea views and the opportunity to witness breathtaking sunsets from the balcony.

In addition to the standard amenities such as air conditioning and TV, the rooms are adorned with luxurious touches, including plush beds, spacious baths, and large windows with blackout curtains. The resort also features three restaurants serving various local and international dishes.

club punta fuego team building

Source: The Girl with the Muji Hat

For leisure and recreation, Club Punta Fuego offers an array of facilities. Guests can enjoy a game of tennis or indoor squash, relax in the mini-movie theater, or indulge in a wide range of water sports, such as water skiing, jet skiing, kayaking, and wakeboarding. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts will find excellent sites nearby. At the same time, golfers can tee off at the 9-hole executive golf course surrounded by lush greenery and the pristine waters of the Nasugbu coast. Additional amenities include a wellness spa, a private beach, and infinity pools.

Club Punta Fuego caters to leisure travelers and corporate guests, ensuring an exceptional experience for everyone. The resort’s recreational facilities provide a perfect balance of fun and relaxation, while their business services meet the needs of corporate travelers, offering functionality and connectivity.


Facilities for team building at Club Punta Fuego include:

  • Dining options: San Diego Restaurant, Il Jardineto Restaurant, and T&C Bar and Lounge
  • Infinity pools and a double infinity pool
  • Private beach
  • Water sports facilities: water skiing, jet skiing, banana boating, snorkeling, wakeboarding, and kayaking
  • Tennis and indoor squash courts
  • Playground
  • Ylang Ylang Spa by Niyama Wellness
  • Meeting and banquet facilities
  • Business center: unlimited internet connectivity, computer facilities, IDD calls, and fax and printing services
  • Chapel/shrine
  • Gift shop
  • Parking and shuttle service
  • Other services: 24-hour front desk and baggage storageFor golf enthusiasts, the Punta Fuego Golf Club is conveniently located just 2 miles away from the Main Club.

Experience the ultimate blend of luxury, relaxation, and team building at Club Punta Fuego, where every detail is meticulously designed to provide an unforgettable stay for guests.

Address and Contact:

  • For Room Reservations: +63 917 852 7583 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm)
  • For Group/Corporate Sales: +63 927 775 1806 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm)
  • For Socials/Weddings: +63 917 852 7726 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm)
  • For Club Punta Fuego On-site Reservations: +63 920 970 1890
  • For Club Punta Fuego’s Front Office: +63 917 807 3703 / +632 8 843 8700 / +632 8 584 4405
  • For Membership: +632 8 805 9085 / +632 8 553 8888 local 13 / +63 949 889 5025
  • For Billing: +62 8 804 9984

Club Punta Fuego Brgy. Balaytigue Nasugbu, Batangas Philippines

[email protected]

Please don’t hesitate to contact us during our operating hours for any inquiries or assistance you may need. We look forward to hearing from you!


Team Building Reviews for Club Punta Fuego:

Great for Team Building

I love this place, it’s our second time having our company outing here, and it’s still great. Everything is perfect for company team building, from the welcome drink to the food, pool, beach, and facilities. The resort is well-maintained and provides a serene and calming environment. The service is excellent as well.


Company Team Building

The rooms are spacious, and the food is delicious. Our company paid a lot, but it’s worth it. The resort is a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere perfect for unwinding. The service is top-notch.


Relaxation at its finest..

Our team decided to stay at Terrazas and Club Punta Fuego for some team building activities. We were glad that the event went well, thanks to Ms. Sharilyn Sy, the club’s Sales Manager, who ensured that every detail of our event was taken care of. The coordination was impeccable from the first day until the check-out date. The resort staff was kind and courteous, and the food, including the Filipino dishes and breakfast buffet, was excellent. They provided a great setup for the team building activities, including refreshing drinks, a sound system, and a nurse for guest safety. The infinity pool is beautiful, and the lower beach water activities are enjoyable, along with the beach itself. The rooms were clean, and the connecting rooms were ideal for large groups. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. Thank you!


Calm and Quiet.

We visited for a Team Building last June 22. I’m giving it a 4-star rating because we didn’t experience the rooms or other facilities, but the place is very nice and luxurious. It offers a calm and quiet ambiance. The beachfront cabanas with swings are lovely, perfect for couples seeking a quick getaway and for families as well. The pool is nice, although the Infinity Pool doesn’t give a true infinity pool experience as trees obstruct the view. Consider relocating the trees foideabetter view. Having beach chairs in front of the resort would also be great. We also went island hopping for only Php 1,500 (for two islands, cliff diving, and snorkeling) with 9 people. Unfortunately, it rained, and we couldn’t visit the second island, so we snorkeled instead. The water is clear, and there are amazing corals to see. The Banana Boat ride costs Php 1,600, but you can negotiate it down to Php 1,500. It was my first time riding a Banana Boat, and a fun experience! Overall, it was a great adventure!


To travel is to live.

The place is quite far, but it’s worth the journey once you arrive. It’s a beautiful place for team building and family bonding. Waking up in the morning and seeing the stunning beach view is a delight. For Php 11,000, you can enjoy a 24-hour stay, including four air-conditioned rooms with 3-4 beds each. The resort also provides a gas stove and refrigerator for cooking.


3. Acuaverde Beach Resort

Laiya, Batangas, a renowned beach destination frequented by weekend warriors and beach lovers, also offers a fantastic venue for companies searching for team-building opportunities. Acuaverde Beach Resort is a highly recommended option, providing superior rooms and various venues within the resort for seminars, group discussions, and enjoyable bonding activities. Your team can engage in water sports or use the beachfront property for customized games from morning to night. The resort features a bar and restaurant where your team can indulge in delicious food and drinks while enjoying a merry time together.

Laiya, Batangas, is conveniently located just a three-hour drive from the central district of Metro Manila. It has gained popularity for its serene beach ambiance, offering breathtaking views of its long stretch of shoreline with fine sands and warm blue waters that will undoubtedly captivate your heart.

acuaverde beach resort team building

Source: Trip Advisor

Acuaverde Beach Resort is the perfect place to find tranquility away from the bustling stress of the city. With breathtaking views and pristine white sands, this resort allows you to unwind and alleviate stress. Moreover, their adventure park is a delightful attraction that travelers will love. Among the resorts in Laiya, Acuaverde Beach Resort is a must-try destination. Not only does it boast the best beachfront location, but it also offers the leisure and comfort you deserve.

Located at Malabrigo, Laiya, San Juan, Batangas, Acuaverde is easily accessible, requiring only a 2-hour and 46-minute drive from Manila via R-3 for private vehicles. Commuters can take the ALPS bus along EDSA near Nepa Q Mart, bound for San Juan. After the bus ride, you can find a jeep terminal near the public market that heads to Laiya. Inform the driver of your destination resort for a drop-off.

Acuaverde offers a wide selection of accommodations to suit various budgets. They provide budget-friendly, comfortable, and cozy rooms and high-end beachfront rooms that exude luxury and comfort.

A worthwhile staycation relies on excellent accommodation, and Acuaverde truly feels like a home by the beach. With 31 rooms, they cater to every budget, each offering a unique architectural style and a serene ambiance for utmost comfort. Options include Casa Brisa, Casa Marina, and Casa Montana.

Casa Marina: This room provides excellent comfort, featuring a glass wall and a spacious balcony, suitable for 4-6 people.

Casa Brisa: Offering a beachfront ocean view, this room boasts a contemporary design, providing a cozy and spacious atmosphere.

Casa Montana: This room is recommended for couples or solo travelers near the cabana and dining area.

Acuaverde Beach Resort takes pride in its exceptional amenities that provide guests with an exclusive and enjoyable experience. The resort offers a variety of outdoor activities, including thrilling water adventures provided by Raj Water Parks, such as paddleboarding, flyboarding, and kayaking for adrenaline enthusiasts. Families can also take advantage of the Kid’s Zone, which offers enjoyable activities tailored for children, ensuring their safety while having fun.

Furthermore, the resort provides dedicated areas for games, both indoor and outdoor. Guests can engage in exciting activities such as table tennis, darts, board games, frisbee, volleyball, and even video games. There’s something for everyone in the family to enjoy.

For ultimate relaxation after a long day at the beach and under the sun, Acuaverde’s Simora Spa is the perfect retreat. Indulge in a rejuvenating massage, and for a more serene experience, guests can enjoy their massage exclusively in one of the resort’s cabanas. Alternatively, if you prefer the comfort of your room, the spa can accommodate massages in the privacy of your accommodation.

Acuaverde Beach Resort ensures that every aspect of your stay is filled with comfort, leisure, and unforgettable moments.

Address and Contact:

Acuaverde Beach Resort
Lobo-Malabrigo-Laiya Rd, San Juan, Batangas

Resort Mobile: +63 928.854.3805
Reservations Mobile / Viber: +63 969.617.5021 / +63 998.843.1347

Reservations: [email protected]
Events: [email protected]

Office Hours:
Monday to Sunday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Team Building Reviews for Acuaverde Beach Resort:

Suitable Chill Place in Laiya, Batangas
I recently visited this resort with my new officemates for a team building exercise, and it’s a wonderful place to relax and unwind. The facilities are impressive, and I especially enjoyed the hammocks near the beach. It was a serene experience since we visited during the off-peak season, and there were only a few foreigners and us. The food at the resort was amazing, particularly their crispy pata and sinigang. It’s a must-try! The rooms were comfortable and had all the necessary amenities. The bed was especially cozy. They also offer water activities, although I found them slightly pricey compared to other resorts in Laiya. One great thing about the resort is that it’s pet-friendly, with a dedicated pet playground and the opportunity to feed fish at certain times. Overall, it was a fantastic experience, and I would love to come back…


A Hidden Gem
I had the pleasure of staying at this resort with my workmates for a night, and it turned out to be one of the best team building experiences we’ve had. The place is perfect for relaxation and offers plenty of fun activities. The facilities provide many options to energize you, including foosball, table tennis, darts, beer pong, frisbee, beach volleyball, and unlimited kayaking. Of course, if you prefer a more laid-back experience, you can relax along the shore.

Staying in the rooms was also a pleasant experience. Despite being smaller than usual, they were clean and comfortable. I particularly liked the pebble-bamboo-themed shower rooms, which added to the overall relaxed atmosphere of the rooms. We didn’t encounter any issues with the heater or air conditioning either.

Surprisingly, the resort offered excellent food in its buffet selection, which is rare for resorts like this—dining in what felt like a treehouse added to the overall experience.

Above all, the service provided by the staff was truly commendable. We felt well taken care of throughout our stay. From small to big gestures, I would like to thank the entire Acuaverde staff for making our stay memorable.


4. La Luz Beach Resort & Spa

La Luz Beach Resort & Spa is a laid-back retreat beside a marine sanctuary, offering picturesque views of Tayabas Bay in Batangas. Situated on a private beachside property surrounded by endemic trees, colorful coral reefs, and scenic ocean vistas, it provides an idyllic setting for team building activities.

Accommodations at La Luz Beach Resort & Spa are rustic and varied, catering to different group sizes. From cozy 10 sqm loft rooms to spacious 35 sqm dorm-type rooms accommodating up to 10 guests, options suit every need. Premium suites include hilltop rooms with balcony views, while premium rooms have en-suite bathrooms, air-conditioning, towels, and bedding.

la luz beach resort team building

Source: Trip Advisor

The resort boasts a range of amenities for guests to enjoy. An infinity pool and a wooden deck with long chairs offer relaxation options. In contrast, a private beach area with wooden cottages and nearby rocky coves provides scenic spots for beach activities and picturesque photo opportunities. Fun beach facilities such as a giant chessboard, bonfire pits, and beach volleyball courts are also available for guests’ entertainment.

For water sports enthusiasts, La Luz Beach Resort & Spa offers a selection of equipment available for rent, including jet skis, kayaks, banana boats, disco boats, snorkeling gear, and diving equipment. The in-house restaurant serves delicious local dishes, refreshments, and cocktails to satisfy guests’ cravings.

Strategically located on the San Juan and Laiya border, La Luz Beach Resort & Spa exudes a rustic atmosphere, making it an ideal venue for team building activities. One notable feature is the abundance of shades, both natural and man-made, lining the beach, providing participants with refuge from the sun during their workouts.

Regarding food and beverages, La Luz Beach Resort & Spa impresses with its variety and quality. Guests can enjoy a range of options that cater to different tastes. Additionally, there is a quaint beach bar that evokes the laid-back ambiance reminiscent of Boracay’s earlier days before it became over-commercialized.

Situated in San Juan, Batangas, La Luz Beach Resort & Spa offers a stunning beachfront property for your team-building event. Although the sand may not be powdery white, its beauty and tranquility make it a perfect location for relaxation and team activities. Whether you engage in beach games and exercises or rent equipment for a fun-filled day with your team, La Luz provides ample opportunities. Take part in a thrilling kayak race, enjoy a game of Frisbee, or simply unwind with a refreshing swim. At night, gather around a bonfire for group discussions or goal-setting activities.


Activities and Amenities:

  • Board Games
  • Biking
  • Fat Bike
  • Kayaking
  • Snorkeling
  • Flying Fish
  • Tribord
  • Banana Boat
  • Jet-Ski
  • Wind Surfing
  • Diving
  • Hiking
  • Separate Bonfire (additional cost of PHP 750)
  • Beach Volleyball
  • Boat
  • Massage
  • Pool
  • Beach


Address and Contact Details:

La Luz Beach Resort & Spa

Address: Brgy. Hugom, Laiya, San Juan, Batangas

Contact Numbers:

Landline: 806-7581 / 806-7667
Mobile: 0916-370-4017 / 0927-805-3484 / 0920-603-8814 / 0998-338-7111
Email: [email protected]



Team Building Reviews for La Luz Beach Resort & Spa

A Relaxing Getaway
We decided to have our team building at La Luz, and it was a great choice. The resort provided a variety of in-house games that kept us entertained, and we were grateful for the support of the attentive lifeguards and medic. The management and staff were always available to address our needs, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.

While the overall experience was wonderful, the food could be improved. The taste and preparation lacked that “wow” factor and felt more like a typical carinderia style. We even noticed soap suds on one of our plates, which was disappointing. However, we did find some highlights, such as the delicious pansit bihon and the refreshing ready-to-drink juices conveniently placed around the resort.

Overall, La Luz provided a serene beach environment that allowed us to relax and unwind. Despite the minor food concerns, we look forward to returning for a quick honeymoon to enjoy the peaceful beach again.


5. Canyon Cove Hotel & Spa

Nestled along the picturesque west coast of Nasugbu, Canyon Cove Hotel & Spa is an excellent choice for companies seeking a stunning beach setting for their team building activities in Batangas. Its convenient location sets Canyon Cove apart, within a 3-hour radius of Metro Manila. Despite being a decade-old resort, the owners continuously strive to enhance the property, introducing new and exciting features while expanding its vast 3-kilometer beachfront and expansive grounds.

canyon cove hotel team building

Diverse Facilities and Outdoor Adventures

Canyon Cove offers a wide beachfront, inviting swimming pools, hotel-style accommodations, and a separate building with ballroom-style function rooms, making it an ideal venue for various indoor team building activities. Moreover, the resort boasts unique outdoor experiences that can be seamlessly incorporated into team building programs by Playworks. Imagine navigating an obstacle course on a floating island in the ocean, engaging in beach soccer and volleyball with oversized balls, hosting private parties in a secluded cove, or even renting a yacht for thrilling island-hopping adventures!

Canyon Cove Beach Resort: A Blend of Exclusivity and Comfort

While Canyon Cove operates as an exclusive beachside residential complex, allowing members to own units within the property, they also allow guests to experience the resort by renting out these units. For those seeking a more luxurious stay, the hotel and spa offer comfortable accommodations where guests can book a room and relax.

Property Appeal and Amenities

Regarding overall appeal, Canyon Cove may not match the allure of Pico de Loro or Anvaya Cove. Some parts of the residential area, particularly units far from the beachfront, appear poorly maintained, with unfinished buildings creating an eerie ambiance against brown foliage and trees. However, the beach and swimming pool areas provide a perfect escape for a quick outing, with their inviting atmosphere and enjoyable amenities.

Tailored Team Building Experiences

With a vast expanse of over 300,000 square meters, Canyon Cove can host various types of team building events. From beachfront activities to amazing custom-made races, the possibilities are endless in this expansive venue. The beachfront alone can accommodate up to 3,500 beachgoers, making Canyon Cove one of the largest team building facilities in the country. Their experienced event organizers and accredited team building facilitators are dedicated to making your next event memorable.

Exciting Activities for Team Bonding

At Canyon Cove, you and your team can participate in various engaging activities to foster camaraderie and teamwork. There’s something for everyone, from giant volleyball and tug of war to sack races and waterpark adventures. Other thrilling options include snakes and ladders, the human train, tire swing, plank race, obstacle course, beach race, fill the bucket, ring toss, giant beer pong, basket catch, and giant sack races.

Embrace the serene beachfront ambiance and utilize the extensive grounds of Canyon Cove Hotel & Spa to create lasting memories during your team building experience.


Address and Contact Details:

NCR Reservation Office:
Business Center for Global Filipinos, 29th Flr.,
Joy-Nostalg Centre, 17 ADB Avenue,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Philippines, 1605

Resort Address:
Far East Road, Piloto Wawa,
Nasugbu-Ternate Highway,
Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines

Phone Numbers:
Due to the high volume of inquiries and reservations and our current work-from-home setup, we request that you chat with us through We diligently document our conversations, allowing any sales officer to assist you by reviewing previous messages. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Landline: (+632) 77460442
Globe: 0966-9720095
Smart: 0949-7321740


Team Building Reviews for Canyon Cove Beach Resort

Great Pool and Beach Experience!
I recently visited Canyon Cove for a team building activity and thoroughly enjoyed my time there. The pool and beach were the highlights for me. The sea breeze at the beach and the large pool were incredibly refreshing. I opted to relax in the beach huts, soaking in the tranquil atmosphere and feeling the gentle wind. Since my last visit, one exciting addition has been the Waterpark Adventure, an inflatable water sports area. It’s a fantastic option for both friends and team building activities. The rooms were spacious and easily accommodated a group of friends or a small family. I particularly liked the day bed in the rooms. The restaurant menu offers a variety of options, but I highly recommend trying their beef steak. It was a delightful experience, perfect for a family vacation or team building event.


Perfect Family Getaway
Our family had a wonderful vacation at Canyon Cove. We also had the opportunity to have our team building activity there, and it was truly an awesome place. The food served, including the buffet breakfast, lunch, and dinner, was delicious. The rooms were clean, and we were provided with fresh white towels. The pool, although not huge, was still enjoyable. The room we stayed in had a fabulous view overlooking the beach, which was pristine and clear. It was a memorable experience for the whole family.


Unforgettable Team Building Experience
Our team had an amazing team building event at Canyon Cove in early June. The staff greeted us warmly and provided a dedicated space for our group to ensure privacy. We had a fantastic time, and the food served was delicious. The resort even arranged additional facilities for our team building activities. We hope to return to Canyon Cove for our future team building events. Our stay was pleasant, and we commend all the staff for their outstanding service.


Good for Team Building, but Some Staff Concerns
We had a great time during our team building activity at Canyon Cove’s beachfront. The view was stunning, and the beach was clean. However, we encountered some issues with the staff’s courtesy. The guard at the beachfront entrance was strict and did not allow outside food, even for a special diet of one of our colleagues. The inspection process felt excessive, similar to airport security checks. The staff also needed to be more informed about our company’s booking for the team building event.


Top Choice for Team Building Events!
Our annual team building experience at Canyon Cove Beach Club was excellent. The resort provided us with outstanding service and clean facilities and ensured our group of nearly a hundred people felt well cared for. The food was delicious, the rooms were spacious and tidy, and the swimming pool was massive. We had access to various water sports activities such as kayaking, banana boat rides, snorkeling, and inflatables.

While sharing the resort with other groups, including families and companies, also conducting team building activities, it didn’t detract from our experience. The resort is spacious, allowing us to find peaceful spots easily. Overall, we highly recommend Canyon Cove for its value for money. We will likely return next year for our team building event.


6. Stilts Calatagan Beach Resorts

Situated on a vast 24-hectare beachside property along Calatagan’s western coast, Stilts Calatagan Beach Resorts offers a unique and picturesque setting for team building facilitators in Batangas. The resort is nestled in front of the renowned Verde Island Passage, known as the hub of marine biodiversity.

Accommodations at Stilts Calatagan Beach Resorts are truly one-of-a-kind. Guests can experience staying in floating cottages, where wooden houses are spread out along the shore, perched over the water. These cottages feature verandas with hammocks, kitchen amenities, living areas, and breathtaking ocean views. Alternatively, guests can opt for rustic treehouses, beach cottages, dorm-type bungalows, or camping grounds for those who prefer pitching tents. All accommodations have electric fans; some offer air-conditioning and ensuite baths in deluxe rooms.

stilts calatagan beach resort team building venue

For a day trip experience, visitors can also explore the resort through a Stilts Calatagan day tour. The beach sanctuary offers various aqua sports equipment for rent, including scuba and snorkeling gear, kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, and banana boats. Adventure seekers can embark on boat tours or sandbar excursions, choosing between a local outrigger or a high-speed motorboat. Land-based activities, such as ATV adventure trails, are also available for guests who prefer an adrenaline rush.

After an active day by the beach, guests can relax at the in-house wellness spa, offering rejuvenating massages. Other resort facilities include swimming pools, day-tripper restaurants, open huts, a flower-filled garden path, and a small organic farm where guests can pick fresh produce.

With three distinct beaches named Destiny, Serenity, and Harmony, this expansive resort provides ample space and facilities, making it an ideal choice for team building events. Teams can engage in ATV rentals, guided mangrove boat excursions, snorkeling, kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, and even scuba diving. Additionally, couples can plan customized activities to foster strong bonds and camaraderie within the organization. The resort offers package deals for such events that can be arranged by contacting them directly.

Facilities at Stilts Calatagan Beach Resorts cater to the diverse needs of guests:

  • Beach Happy Activity Center: The friendly staff at the Beach Happy Activity Center can assist with scheduling various activities along Harmony Beach.
  • Souvenir Shops: Guests can explore two souvenir shops, the Sunshine Souvenir Shop near the Sea Breeze Pavilion and another in the Beach Happy Activity Center.
  • Discovery Pavilion: This versatile space near The Sweet Spot and the pool can be booked for day trips, intimate gatherings, special dinners, and romantic proposals. It can also serve as a private holding area for pre-nuptial photo shoots.
  • Imagine Pavilion: The Imagine Pavilion offers flexibility for a range of events. It is an ideal venue for meetings, seminars, and workshops for up to 60 people. The pavilion can also be reserved for small parties or as a holding area for pre-nuptial photo shoots.
  • The Sweet Spot: With its open layout, wooden tables, and convenient access to the pool, The Sweet Spot dining pavilion provides a welcoming space for guests to dine, drink, and enjoy lively conversations.
  • Sea Breeze Pavilion: Positioned to catch the refreshing breeze and boasting fantastic views, the Sea Breeze Pavilion is an ideal spot for guests to relax. It is conveniently located near the Sunshine Souvenir Shop, the pool, and The Sweet Spot dining pavilion.


Address and Contact Details:

Stilts Calatagan Beach Resort: Your Dream Beach Destination

For all inquiries and reservations, please feel free to reach out to us during our office hours:

Mondays to Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Makati Booking Office:
1F SGV II Building, 6758 Ayala Avenue, Makati City

Contact Details:
Mobile Numbers:
(+63917) 5863343
(+63917) 5807653
(+63917) 5237777
(+63908) 866 2254

[email protected]

We look forward to assisting you in creating unforgettable memories at Stilts Calatagan Beach Resort.


Team Building Reviews for Stilts Calatagan Beach Resorts

Unforgettable Team Building Experience!

I was tasked with organizing our department’s team building event, and Stilts Resort was the perfect choice for a relaxing and stunning getaway. Despite some negative feedback about flooding, my team insisted on booking this resort, and we were not disappointed. The view was breathtaking, and the floating cottage provided clean, comfortable, and relaxing accommodations. The highlight was the amazing sunset view right outside our cottage. The food was delicious, and we thoroughly enjoyed every meal.

I must commend Ms. Amor for her exceptional customer service. She actively responded to all my queries and promptly addressed my emails outside of office hours. A big thumbs up to her!

Thank you, Stilts Resort, for an incredible experience. We hope to visit again in the future!

Spacious and Awesome Room

During our team building, I enjoyed staying in the spacious loft room. Although I didn’t have the chance to swim on the beach due to the murky water, I still had a great time at the pool. The room was comfortable, and I didn’t mind the loft layout.

First Time in Calatagan, Memorable Team Building

Last year, I visited Stilts Resort for the first time as part of our company’s team building event. The beach initially looked beautiful with its white sand, but as we approached the water, we noticed a lot of seaweed, making it unappealing for swimming. However, the swimming pool was fantastic.

The food was average, and the selection could have impressed me more. Nonetheless, after a long journey and engaging in group games, it filled our hungry stomachs. I stayed in the beachfront Delight room with a great bathroom and a convenient water dispenser inside.

The highlight was the breakfast, where I truly enjoyed the delicious and tender Tapa they served. They also had a good selection of cereals.

An Amazing Time at Stilts Resort!

My team and I had an overnight team building exercise at Stilts, and from the moment we checked in, we were treated to refreshing cold drinks. We were assigned to the Lipa and Iligan cottages, and the journey to our cottages was breathtaking. The entire cottage was immaculate, providing free-flowing hot and cold drinking water. The beach area was well-maintained and clean, essential for our barefoot activities. What truly stood out was the exceptional service. They even brought us cold water without us asking for it. The service was world-class, and I would return for some personal quiet time.

In conclusion, the diverse range of team building venues in Batangas presents an array of options for every organization’s unique needs and preferences. Whether seeking a serene beachfront setting, a picturesque garden estate, or an adventurous mountain getaway, Batangas has the ideal venue to facilitate your team’s growth, collaboration, and success.

With the combination of stunning natural landscapes, well-equipped facilities, and engaging activities, these team building venues in Batangas are poised to create transformative experiences and forge stronger bonds among team members. Take advantage of the remarkable opportunities that await in this vibrant province, and unlock the full potential of your team through unforgettable experiences and valuable team building initiatives.

Other Team Building Venues

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